GN symptoms or not

Hi I was wondering if you new where a person could get more information about GN and vagus nerve Symptoms all I have found is the basic info > > > I was told I had allergies because when I ate my throat got tight and my gland felt like they were swollen and I got excessive amount of saliva which mad it hare to swallow I had allergy testing done and was told that I had no food allergies. I was Diagnosed with TN in Jan. 2012 and treated with gabapentin and it helped the throat problems I some times get pains in my throat they seem to radiate down my throat to my esophogus It is not too severe yet I also seem like my throat is sore I have been to the Primar doc. and he says my throat is fine but I was wondering if it was GN or Acid refux how do you find out wether it is GN or acid reflux do you go to a ear nose and throat and get scoped to make sure it is not anything else or does a nerurologist check you out mine told me to go to the ENT doc. when I tried to tell him about it . I do have some acid reflux and am not sure it is what cause the pain but I get the pain even when my acid reflux is not bothering me.

From what i understand Geniculate Neuralgia (GN) causes severe pain to the ear/ inside ear. Feels like being stabed by a ice pick. GPN causes pain in the tonsil area and throat, usually isolated to one side. Pain can come and go for months and have periods of remission with no pain at all lasting days, weeks, months, or more than a year.

My GN pain can be excruciating and nearly unbearable. It radiates from my throat (tonsil) up in my ear and sometimes involves the trachea restricting breathing and speech..comes in waves and varies in severity. They last for about 1 minute and can be as frequent as 100s a day or just a few...and can go into remission for weeks or months.

Has the doctor (or you) tried tickling your tonsil to triger an attach? This may tell you something.

Hope you don't have this.