Dry mouth

What do people here do for dry mouth? It seems to be a side effect of pretty much every med prescribed for everything here. Gum/ sugar free candy is the common home remedies but with diabetes that is a no go. Recently upped the Aptiom which is helping the pain, but I feel like my tongue is going to dry up and blow away.

I know what you mean. My mouth and tongue get so sore with this dry mouth. I can't suck sweets as that starts off pain. Any suggestions?

Mary said:

I know what you mean. My mouth and tongue get so sore with this dry mouth. I can't suck sweets as that starts off pain. Any suggestions?

Try an artificial saliva like Biotene.

I bought the biogenesis toothpaste yesterday and a box of the lozenges. Not at all impressed with the lozenges, but trying the toothpastes for a few days.

The biotene gel helps me a bit, it's very soothing while you have it in your mouth, and feels like you have some saliva, but doesn't last long. I just keep a bottle of water with me all day.

Is dry mouth very common with TN? I read that the nerve is responsible for eye and mouth 'wetness', I've had that for 3 years now. I'd thought maybe it was due to something else.

Amitriptyline was the worst for this! Oh man. The worst dry mouth on that med. Biotene spray and mouthwash for sure. And I carried a water bottle everywhere. I used to try not talk because it just made my mouth dry out. And that wasn't easy because I work in sales. I even got thrush when I was on Amitrip. That was way, way worse. Not fun at all.

i carry water whereever I go it sucks but better then the pain i was in