Dentist Tomorrow- Not Sure What to say

Hi Everyone.

I haven't been here in a long while.

I am hoping maybe I can get some advice before my dental appt.

Things took a break- then came back and I've changed family doctors and dentists- and now I am really unsure as to what to do.

Things are flaring terribly. My left ear rings, my face hurts (left side) across my cheek, beside my nose, behind my ear- and 3 teeth on the upper left side - the one beside my front tooth- and the 2 teeth beside those throb. It hurts to eat- brush my teeth-- I had my teeth cleaned and was having minor- pain- ... started just easy walking- and BAM- everything has exploded.

I have to get a tiny cavity filled and see my dentist tomorrow - I had to cancel the last appt. to get it filled b/c of face pain.... they are going to use gas... but I am terrified of having it done anyway. At least it's on the right side and not left.

My new doctor says it is migraines. What I am dealing w/ is not a migraine. It has spread into my left shoulder blade, too. He gave me Vistaril which helped for a bit- but then it stopped helping and started causing twitching on the left side of my face. I am trying Topamax again- but in the past- it ALWAYS causes lip twitching and I know I won't be on it long.

I read on another site about some TN suffers (an ER doc has said I had TN but the other docs ignore this)- who also have TMD. I do have a cross bite and my teeth have shifted. I don't know if I have TMD, too. Based on what I've read, it seems possible- but my doctors are NOT going to do a thing until this dentist evaluates TMD and - I don't know about the TN. She has told me to get a tooth guard from the pharmacy- ... try it... I have it... It may help some but it leaves my jaw in a crazy position for a while after I remove it. I can't wear it long- b/c it brings in the other pains...

I know if I could have these 3 upper teeth pulled and know the pain would STOP, I would have them pulled.

I am going in for this filling tomorrow- They have blocked out an hour and 1/2 for this- b/c I freak in the dentist office. IF this dentist has time what do I say? This mess keeps going on... and I read and read-- and It seems to me I am dealing w/ both- but if I say this to her, she will give me that "look" - docs will give when they think they have a hypochondriac in the office.

Despite all the pain and ear ringing, I am able to sleep. When I wake up-- it all starts again.

Do any of you have both TMD and TN? If so, what key points should I hit on w/ my dentist tomorrow?? I know I have to have these 3 upper teeth checked. It was just two- now it is three... The pain is pretty much constant- but sometimes I get zapping too... I am not sure what to say at this point.

Any help would be so appreciated!!!


An expertise dentist can guide you to maintain your oral health. those affected teeth should be extracted with the help of a good dentist. Main symptoms of temporomandibular disorder are muscle pain and joint pain. It seems that you need more complex forms of treatments, Which might include orthodontics, dental restoration like bridgework etc. It's better to discuss your problem with any expert dentist first. I had a similar problem, but I didn’t have TN. My family dentist in Burlington examined me in detail and sort by problem out . Don’t panic. Good luck!