Hi Everyone.
I haven't been here in a long while.
I am hoping maybe I can get some advice before my dental appt.
Things took a break- then came back and I've changed family doctors and dentists- and now I am really unsure as to what to do.
Things are flaring terribly. My left ear rings, my face hurts (left side) across my cheek, beside my nose, behind my ear- and 3 teeth on the upper left side - the one beside my front tooth- and the 2 teeth beside those throb. It hurts to eat- brush my teeth-- I had my teeth cleaned and was having minor- pain- ... started just easy walking- and BAM- everything has exploded.
I have to get a tiny cavity filled and see my dentist tomorrow - I had to cancel the last appt. to get it filled b/c of face pain.... they are going to use gas... but I am terrified of having it done anyway. At least it's on the right side and not left.
My new doctor says it is migraines. What I am dealing w/ is not a migraine. It has spread into my left shoulder blade, too. He gave me Vistaril which helped for a bit- but then it stopped helping and started causing twitching on the left side of my face. I am trying Topamax again- but in the past- it ALWAYS causes lip twitching and I know I won't be on it long.
I read on another site about some TN suffers (an ER doc has said I had TN but the other docs ignore this)- who also have TMD. I do have a cross bite and my teeth have shifted. I don't know if I have TMD, too. Based on what I've read, it seems possible- but my doctors are NOT going to do a thing until this dentist evaluates TMD and - I don't know about the TN. She has told me to get a tooth guard from the pharmacy- ... try it... I have it... It may help some but it leaves my jaw in a crazy position for a while after I remove it. I can't wear it long- b/c it brings in the other pains...
I know if I could have these 3 upper teeth pulled and know the pain would STOP, I would have them pulled.
I am going in for this filling tomorrow- They have blocked out an hour and 1/2 for this- b/c I freak in the dentist office. IF this dentist has time what do I say? This mess keeps going on... and I read and read-- and It seems to me I am dealing w/ both- but if I say this to her, she will give me that "look" - docs will give when they think they have a hypochondriac in the office.
Despite all the pain and ear ringing, I am able to sleep. When I wake up-- it all starts again.
Do any of you have both TMD and TN? If so, what key points should I hit on w/ my dentist tomorrow?? I know I have to have these 3 upper teeth checked. It was just two- now it is three... The pain is pretty much constant- but sometimes I get zapping too... I am not sure what to say at this point.
Any help would be so appreciated!!!