Dental Work

Need advice on deciding whether to have dental work done. I have some serious work that needs to be done, and I am petrified. Is there something I should do, take etc. Or should I skip it? The one problem does need to be repaired fairly quickly. I am in a good spot right now. I cant stand the thought of it bringing on an attack. Thanks for any comments any one might have.

Does your dentist know about your TN & your concerns with the pain?? Definitely talk with them about that. Its hard for me to go in for a cleaning every 6 months because I'm always afraid I'm going to have an attack. Good luck in whatever you decide to do. I'm sorry I don't have more advice!

Just make sure to inform your dentist. I had a tooth pulled on the 7th and I had no issues. And it was on the same side as the nerve thats giving me issues. I was worried about the shots causing issues with the nerve but it really wasn't so bad, and was kind of relieving because the pain was tripled by the bad tooth. I would just make sure your dentist is fully aware of your feelings and your pain. Most of them know how to deal with it. and if they don't know about it, find one who does.