greetings nickpotterygirl.
Sorry it took so long to reply.
I started both the acupuncture and the cranio sacral at the same time. The acupuncture helped the pain in my jaw and cheek for awhile. I did not have a regular schedule so it varied from I to 3 weeks. My brother in law is the acupuncturist so treatments were when we both could get together. I live 120 miles from him so that creates a little problem. I have a treatment whenever possible but not as often. I did research on the web before hand and found a study of a small group that had good success with it.
My sister is my cranio sacral therapist. Most of the time my sister and her friend and therapist give me treatments together. I started having treatments at two week intervals. At that time I was having several lightning attacks a day plus the pain in the jaw. I couldn’t drive and the sunlight was a killer. I had to use dark glasses and put a towel over face when riding in the car. Then as the attacks decreased in both numbers and pain levels, we started going every three weeks, then every 4 weeks and now every 7 or 8 weeks. Meanwhile I continually decreased my meds from 3600mg gabapentin to 900mg. I am not convinced they have not done much to help as attacks kept getting worse even on the high dose. After the attacks became fewer and weaker (down from 150 to 200 a day 5 to 8/9 pain level to less than 50 to none with pain level of 1 to 5) I would have what they called a healing crises . It came usually 3 to 4 days later. It consisted of a few attacks that were stronger than the previous ones of the time, but nothing like the first ones. I would go more often except it is a 5 hour drive.
As far as how long it takes with either treatment that would depend each individual. There is no guarantee that they will work for you, just as the meds or surgery has no guarantee either as told many times on this site. My sister has told me that we might have to have maintenance session that might be several months or more apart. Each person is different. I know that I am better for it and less groggy on the lower does of meds.
I have had many conversations on how it works but cannot explain it to you. There is several places on the web that does a better job at that than I can. Also ask a therapist if you find one that you are comfortable with. Ask lots of questions and make sure you are happy with the answers. I believe that should go for all doctors you see.
I am not a candidate for surgery. I was told they couldn’t find anything wrong and if they did surgery it could take several months to work and had an 80% chance of not working and coming back worse within 2 years. This seems to have happened to several people on this site.
I think that you might have a hard time getting the insurance company cranio sacral treatment for tn since it isn’t considered a mainstream treatment . Acupuncture might be easier, good luck with it.
I believe the cranio sacral has helped me the most, but have kept on a better schedule.
I have given you a condensed version of my tn and treatment. I am continually amazed and grateful for the way this is going.
I am continually learning and will never fully understand how it all works but am grateful for the gift my sister and friend have and also my brother in law. I have also learned that an open mind is a lot better than a closed one. I also pray for a “cure for any and all that are fighting the monster tn.
I hope this has helped and if you have any other questions I will try to answer. Remember your course of treatment is your choice so try and make the best one for you.
Good Luck and hope you become pain free soon.