Charity Care, Access to Care, and Prescription Assistance

Something I've noticed that is commonly blogged about in the TN support groups is the inability to pay for medical care. I can totally relate as I have been without insurance for over 2 years and was diagnosed with TN on Valentine's Day of this year. It pains me to see that some people avoid going to the e.r during attacks because they do not have coverage. Some of you may know and others may not know that many hospitals across the state do have programs like "Charity Care" or something similar. It is up to you or your caretaker to speak with someone in financial services regarding the financial assistance programs offered. Many of us who no longer have any income or barely enough qualify for these programs. Depending on our situation the hospital may cover 100% of the bills.

Also, I know programs vary by state, but there is a program called Access to Care and others similiar to it in many states. This type of program will help you see regular physicians and offer you discounted prescriptions that prescribed by doctors in their network (who are usually assigned to you).

Please don't give up on yourselves. This pain is too real and can have so many negative affects on our lives. We need the medical attention and can get it. We must continue to fight to seek out what is available to us. It requires lots of paperwork to be filed but is well worth it. My GP, my neuro, and my e.r are all in 3 different locations, varying from 5-35 miles of eachother. I pay $5 to see my GP and $20 to see my neuro.

As I type this I am thinking that I am going to actually research the medical advisory board for TN, see if there are any doctors in my area , and contact their hospital to see if they offer any financial assistance programs.

*To the lightning pain striking through my temples and into my eyes, to the aching in my teeth that makes me want to yank them all out, to the soreness in my scalp that makes me want to peel it off , to the painful pressure in my sinuses, and the pain in my lips-SCREW YOU!*

I have HUGE medical debt -- before TN-- because I had no medical insurance for 10 years, nor dental while going to college and taking care of a special needs kiddo and a normalish kiddo! At least the state paid for them after their dad died.

As a social worker and a human, I find this deplorable - for the "greatest country in the world"......

They don't even like you to $5 them to death like before -- they want you to prove alllll your financial stuff within like a week --- or NO help - goes straight to bad credit here

I hear ya. I am currently staring down at over $10,000 worth of hospital bills. Most of them have been marked with a rep's name, dated and time stamped after going over the bills and my situation. The hospitals send out bills from so many different places: physician bills, lab bills, bills directly from the hospital billing department. Because I applied for and was approved for so many financial assistance programs, almost immediately after being diagnosed, I have been able to fax and/or mail copies of my Charity Care letters and have had most bills forgiven and pain for by the medicall institution. The help is definitely out there. We just have to be willing to make endless phone calls, hold for ever, fill out paper work and on-line forms, but in the end a piece of sanity and attention to our condition is way worth it.

I seen that you are in MO.

"Missouri hospitals should have policies to provide essential health care services at no charge to uninsured patients below an established income level that is appropriate to the hospital's geographic location. Essential health care services are defined by each hospital to meet the needs of its patients."

Yes, I'm married now AND have a job finallllly after MVD allowed me to! Have most wonderful insurance now.

it's just what I see that goes on around me - I do have clients in MO and KS --- thanks for the link

and that I could by any stroke of fate - be on the uninsured list again

MsChief, I think this is a great post. Thanks for all the information and sharing your knowledge with others.