no one around here seems to know what to do with me. like many on this site: it’s been 6.5 months with symtopms. still tryring to find a doc. went to the medical/dental school complex yesterday. big academic center with multiple colleges on site. no luck there. was told I didn’t have TMJ. oh yea… knew that months ago.
the closest doc I found that deals with ATN (recommended on this site) is Dr Jonathan White. I called the office -no appointments for rest of the year! I’m trying to get in the back door. we’ll see what happens. man oh man…
I have heard the diagnosis of Atypical TN is classified as psychological in nature. Is that correct? I would be concerned about such clinical diagnosis when in fact is physiological in nature. Does anyone have clearification?
my understanding is that Atypical Facial Pain was considered a psychological diagnosis until recently, when that changed. as far as I know, atypical trigeminal neuralgia has never been considered psychological. as Cleo stated. it’s either idiopathic or just different presentation than typical TN.