Hello All:
I have often noticed that my TN pain is also combined with neck and shoulder pain (same side). On really bad days the pain just travels up the entire side of my face and causes a migraine headache. At times, the migraines are so bad that I start to lose vision (it gets cloudy I guess) and my eye starts to droop. It's hard to tell which comes first, the pain in my face or my neck.... it just all blends together.
I have TN2, which seems to be a result of dental surgery but I was also involved in a car accident just a few years before that and suffered whiplash that I have read can also cause TN.
Today has been a really bad day.....actually, I've had a really rough time with this lately and considered going to the ER last night because nothing is helping. I am on a long list of medications.
Thank you,