Yes, I know there is a group especially for this area, but I'd like wider audience on this

Did anyone on this board have a major 2 day attack of eye pain with headache unlike any other eye pain or headache before? I'm not talking about dry eyes, which is painful and also does not normally accompany headaches. I'm talking stabbed in the eye, run over by a truck and train, sledge hammer to the head awakened from sleep attack. Then it goes away only to be followed a few months later with the TN 1 diagnosis of the v3.

The other day I had a bad headache, the crying kind, but not migraine and no eye pain. What to make of this if anything?

Again, the neurologist thinks nothing of it. Again, it bothers me. I wonder if the eye/headache were the warning signs along with the gum chewing incident, the current leg pain, the right hip/waist sensitivity?

I am beginning to think I may have Fibromyalgia along with TN and all my other issuses. Anyone care to venture an opinion or have a similar story?

Thanks all as always,


Those are the types of migraines I have been suffering with for years now. The stabbing eye pain that is like a knife slicing through. I started getting migraines about 3 years ago. Red has put on here that there seems to be a weird not precursor, but some evidence that many with TN suffer from migraines first. A few months before my TN diagnosis, I was getting a few a week. To the point I thought brain tumor.

I don't know all your medical issues, but those that you described really don't make me think of Fibro.

Thank you for your response Lisa. I have posted elsewhere about other body pain issues. These pains led me to include some strange form of Fibro as a list of other possible medical issues.

I keep thinking that migraines present a certain way- Eye pain and headache. Nausea, bright lights, and loud sounds all being parts of it. I have had 2 migraines in my life and these eye attack/headaches do not appear to have the same feeling. Does this mean that what I have experienced now are still FORMS of migraines?

Hi Phoebe

On another link regarding neck and back of head pain, i have mentioned that i explained having this type of pain to my Neuro, and he said this was a form of Migraine. I thought he was wrong but when i looked it up migraine can come in the form on neck ache. So although I cant identify with yours, I now think migraine can come in different forms and as i have never had them before TN i think they are part of the condition.

Just wonderful, she says facetiously, although another puzzle piece perhaps. Maybe the more symptoms I have the more I will become convinced I have TN. As if so far there isn't enough evidence. :(



Not all migraines are as you perceive they are. I have no nausea with mine. Bright lights do not bother me either. Loud sounds do nothing other than annoy me, but they annoy me without a migraine. There are several "types" of migraines. I actually have the stabbing eye pain, followed by incredible numbness in the face on the right side. The first time it happened, I thought I had a stroke.

I also have had "cluster headaches" and "tension" headaches. The tension headaches caused incredible pain in my neck and into my shoulders.

Weird thing though, I had neck/shoulder pain, where I could not turn my head at all, prior to having my first real TN attack. In fact, I had it for two months straight. I also had some other strange sensations in my body, combined with some awful fatigue, which led me to be convinced I had fibro....... Pretty sure I don't have that now, but the migraines, neck/shoulder pain, and now this pain all seems to be common around some TN sufferers. Yuck.

During my TN attacks my temple was not effected by pain.

Then I developed a migraine in my temples, they throbbed terribly for a few days on both sides, but my TN side was far worse. My TN temple felt so tender afterwards, very sore to touch, it felt like a soft spot, unable to rest on it. It still there to this day, but much better then what it was. The neck pain then also came on.

For a few days i could hardly move.

Now any time i feel like i am allowing myself to become stressed i feel it in my temple first, I feel it tighten and i take this as a warning to relax myself, mentally as much as physically.

Prior to TN i only had headaches never migraines.


I just found this and wondered if anyone else knew of research done into this possibility.

I was re-reading a couple of the posts in this thread and just started to wonder. If the possibility exists that the neck, eye, and head pains I get do not fall in to the category of description of "traditional" migraine would the meds that are given for the "traditional" migraine help?

Imatrix does nothing for me. They give me a cocktail of Vicodin and some other drug that is normally an anti-naseua drug (though I don't get nausea). The point is that this mix actually knocks the migraine eye pain right out.. course makes me sleep too!

I've suggested at other places on the site that many people who deal with some form of trigeminal pain may also have issues with migraine, cluster headaches or fibromyalgia. These kinds of correlations are generally called "co-morbid". What is not at all clear, however, is whether any of these syndromes is either a precursor or a cause of any of the others.

A suggestion for very deep reading is by Dr Todd Troost, MD. Though I find his notes on Trigeminal Neuralgia to be somewhat dated, and he does not appear to recognize the cluster of symptoms normally associated with TN Type 2, Troost is widely considered to be an expert on migraine headaches and on distinguishing between migraine and other headache issues that have overlapping symptoms.

Regards and best,
