Ok, so I've not been on the site for awhile. Like so many others I've read about, when in some kind of remission, I just moved on through life. However, now that I am back out of remission, I have traveled back here to others who, I believe, can actually "feel my pain." Here's my observation: migraine for 4 days (or more). Then, today, the left half of my upper lip, which is usually weirdly numb, began feeling that "wormy" (as so aptly described) moving around in the lip, then slowly, over a few hours, increased to the familiar burning, aching, numb-again in a weird way-pathway up the outer side of my left nostril and up across my cheek to my left eye, which tears a lot more when the tn is active (finally, an ophthalmologist agreed that it is not "dry eye" but rather the tn that is making only my left eye tear, constantly. If I move my face or mouth in anyway, the burning will begin again. It's kind of like in waves, for hours and hours. Tomorrow, my top lip will be very numb along with the hard palate behind my left front incisor. The migraine (left side, of course) is starting up again after being gone all day. So..my question remains..is this type 2 tn? I KNOW it's NOT my imagination, although stress does seem to increase it=cannot deny that. But, I'm noticing a pattern of migraine-tn2 increase-migraine, then better, then start all over. Even though it's not my imagination...has ANYBODY ever heard of this phenomenon? or, am I just crazy...I have been very stressed starting a new very stressful job with much longer hours and more anxiety..again, have to be honest here. You know, this chronic pain and discomfort, while not necessitating heavy narcotics shots wears on me and brings out more depression and anxiety. Thanks for listening.