Can dizziness and vertigo be a symptom of TN?

Hi everyone,

Just curious if dizziness or vertigo can be a symptom of TN? A couple of mornings ago my husband woke me up to say goodbye before going to work. I was laying on my right side and didn't do anything but open my eyes to say good bye and give him a kiss. When I opened my eyes it felt like the room was spinning all around me. This lasted for about a minute. I notice now that I can lay flat on my back or on my left side, but when I lay on my right side I get the spinning room sensation. I also have a roaring sound in my left ear that began at the same time.

My neurologist is sending me for an MRI in a couple of weeks, but I'm just wondering if any of you have experienced this with your TN? I'm thinking of visiting an ear, nose, and throat doctor just in case there's something going on with my inner ear.

Thanks in advance for your replies. :)

~ Vicki

Vicki, I did have a period of a few weeks of vertigo , first thing in the mornings, felt like the floor was moving beneath me and if i moved my head quickly I felt unsteady. In the shower I felt very unsteady. . When I saw my GP he said it would be due to the inner ear problem and gave me nausea tablets which melted under the tongue. Unlike you I did not have the roaring in the ear. He said because of all that was going on in my head (TN and Temporal Artritites) It had caused an inner ear problem. It passed Vic and I have never had it since. Hope yours soon passes as I remember how disconcerting it is.

Phew! Thanks for sharing, El. Hope this passes soon. :)

How are you?

elstep said:

Vicki, I did have a period of a few weeks of vertigo , first thing in the mornings, felt like the floor was moving beneath me and if i moved my head quickly I felt unsteady. In the shower I felt very unsteady. . When I saw my GP he said it would be due to the inner ear problem and gave me nausea tablets which melted under the tongue. Unlike you I did not have the roaring in the ear. He said because of all that was going on in my head (TN and Temporal Artritites) It had caused an inner ear problem. It passed Vic and I have never had it since. Hope yours soon passes as I remember how disconcerting it is.

Dizziness and vertigo are frequent side effects of medication used against TN pain, Vicki. For other side effects, take a look at the article on medication treatments for TN in our "face pain info" tab, menu above.

Regards, Red

I am well and feel better for having returned to work. I am so lucky not to have felt the TN1 for 9 months now, and the TN2 is mild enough to live with. I pray everyone could be so fortunate. At the time of having the vertigo, I thought oh no, I have enough going on in my head!

Hi Vickey,

I think it was the good morning Kiss that brought on dizziness and vertigo

Happy Valentine's week and give your Hubby another smooch for supporting and being with you.

That's exactly what I've been thinking, too, El! So glad you're back at work and feeling good. :)

elstep said:

I am well and feel better for having returned to work. I am so lucky not to have felt the TN1 for 9 months now, and the TN2 is mild enough to live with. I pray everyone could be so fortunate. At the time of having the vertigo, I thought oh no, I have enough going on in my head!

Ha, ha, ha....maybe so, SF Bill. Thanks for making me laugh. :)

SF Bill said:

Hi Vickey,

I think it was the good morning Kiss that brought on dizziness and vertigo

Happy Valentine's week and give your Hubby another smooch for supporting and being with you.

Thanks, Red. I'll do that!

Richard A. "Red" Lawhern said:

Dizziness and vertigo are frequent side effects of medication used against TN pain, Vicki. For other side effects, take a look at the article on medication treatments for TN in our "face pain info" tab, menu above.

Regards, Red

tricyclic anti depressants used for TN pain, can cause a condition called orthostatic hypotension, which can result in feeling light heading, or getting a head rush when standing from a sitting position. roaring in the ear is also common; this is an acoustic amplification of your heartbeat and blood pressure.

if you're on a high dose of a TCA, this could be the reason for your symptoms. otherwise, get checked out by your ENT.


Vicki Dvorak said:

Thanks, Red. I'll do that!

Richard A. "Red" Lawhern said:

Dizziness and vertigo are frequent side effects of medication used against TN pain, Vicki. For other side effects, take a look at the article on medication treatments for TN in our "face pain info" tab, menu above.

Regards, Red

i've been suffering from the nitemare tn for a year now, i am on the highest dosages now, i am going to get an opimion on surgery soon, now i've develpoed vertigo. I couldn't walk, i had to crawl to the bathroom and stayed like tht all night long, i was useless the next day. This is completely different that the side effects of meds, i am wondering if there is a connection with the nerve affected and your ear some how, i can't find any infor on the net, this is maddening

Sluggo - Do you think it is "possible" it is from your meds? It sounds like you are a very high dosage so could possibly make your vertigo worse. If it were me, I would try switching medications to see if it helped AND helped the pain. However, you didn't say if you have already been through trying all of the medications. My doctor went through them all trying to keep me working while controlling my pain. I would do it just to try relieving the mysery you are in! I am so sorry!

sluggo said:

i've been suffering from the nitemare tn for a year now, i am on the highest dosages now, i am going to get an opimion on surgery soon, now i've develpoed vertigo. I couldn't walk, i had to crawl to the bathroom and stayed like tht all night long, i was useless the next day. This is completely different that the side effects of meds, i am wondering if there is a connection with the nerve affected and your ear some how, i can't find any infor on the net, this is maddening

I don't think so, but it COULD be a side effect of your anti-convulsant meds. Mine do me that way occasionally.