I have gotten to the point that I'm ready to give up brushing my teeth (even the attempt to). Everytime I go to the bad side, without even touching the inside cheek....things start to explode. Any recomendations for a mouthwash that will take the place of brushing to contol build-up on the teeth and not-so-good breath :(
I would ask your dentist...... For inside mouth pain killer - get a prescription for Lidocaine mouthwash --- kills the nerve pain.... then maybe can brush.
thank you........I did ask for an RX for magic mouthwash. is that what you are referring to?
Thanks for the reply!
O boy, can I relate to you dilemma. Advised to use electric toothbush!! Whoa! Used it once and settled on moutwash until the pain subsided and then went back to old soft bristle brush and brushed VERY CAREFULLY , avoiding TN side.
I know exactly what you are saying! I am quite a stickler when it comes to brushing teeth or flossing because with my TN pain, I will not be able to tell whether it is tooth pain or TN. But at times it is so painful to brush my teeth, I end up barely touching the side where the explosion of pain occurs. I am talking about an 8/9 level pain here. I hate going to bed or going out without brushing my teeth so have resorted to a small really soft toothbrush, sensitive teeth toothpaste and a pain-killing mouthwash. This combination seems to be working (at least for the moment). I would talk to your dentist or neuro and see if one of them can prescribe something which will help you.
Best Wishes,
When I was having my most horrible time, I just brushed them anyway. I just got to the bad side and BARELY brushed, VERY GENTLY and VERY SLOWLY. I still had pain sometimes, but I was NOT going to not brush. And I quit chewing gum. Now I just use mints. If you don't brush and you get cavities, then the dentist will have to work on you and that really won't be pleasant. Keep trying hun! (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))
That's what they call it! I don't know if it freshens breath!
face pain said:
thank you........I did ask for an RX for magic mouthwash. is that what you are referring to?
Thanks for the reply!
Ooooooh, I can identify with this. Believe it or not, just opening my mouth to brush triggers my pain when my TN is active, so I usually brush away through the pain, it’s bad, very bad but I feel better afterwards.
I have TN2, so the pain is always there to some extent. I like to brush my teath when the pain is the worst because
I can't make it hurt any more than it does.
Thanks all for the input.
I do the same as Beano. I wait to brush mine until I am in a super bad flare up. I went and bought an expensive ($130) Rotadent electric toothbrush that really cleans your teeth well when you use it. So well that your teeth can actually feel clean for a few days, even when you eat. It was definitely worth the price.
I have TN1 and 2 and am always in pain, but brushing causes the shock/stabs. It makes me cry to start my day that way when I might get an hour or two w/o the shock/stabs if I don't eat anything. My husband bought me super strong Listerine. On days that the awful pain hasn't started by the time I brush my teeth, I just rinse with that. It still triggers a little, but not near as bad as if I put a tooth brush in there and moved it around. And I usually feel pretty minty clean =)
Watch using those harsh mouth washes. I thought I was helping to prevent cavities and my gums became sooo…inflamed. I use Biotene PBF oral rinse now. After I gently brush my teeth I rinse with it. It helps loosen plaque, calms down the gums and helps with dry mouth from the meds.
Lou, can you get the Biotene PBF over the counter? Thanks.
Lou said:
Watch using those harsh mouth washes. I thought I was helping to prevent cavities and my gums became sooo...inflamed. I use Biotene PBF oral rinse now. After I gently brush my teeth I rinse with it. It helps loosen plaque, calms down the gums and helps with dry mouth from the meds.
I use the biotene products as well. My teeth get their best clean (sonicare electric) and flossing just before bed when I’m about to take all my nighttime meds, including sleep aid, so I know the pain is only going to last until I conk out! On days when I am home alone I simply don’t brush until someone is coming over or I’m going out…can’t face the world without brushing. Sometimes I can time it when meds working best.
A few days in a row of only brushing at night can help calm down a big flare.
Harsh mouthwash terrible trigger.
I don’t use magic mouthwash because I live alone and there is a chance of paralyzingly the throat.
Sometimes I’ve just used a soft cloth and biotene toothpaste and that can get me to the next cleaning.
Absolutely! Biotene is with all the other mouth and gum products. I had to laugh at Bella’s routine, only because it sounds exactly like mine. Once the meds take effect my teeth don’t care and neither do I. It’s all the little tricks and coping mechanisms to conserve physical and emotional strength. Cut back another 100 mgs of Tegretol this week, so a little headache. Night all. Wishing everyone a restful night.
Lou, why are you cutting back? Just curious.
I don’t know if this helps with plaque build up but my dentist had me rinse my mouth with water (lukewarm in my case) and baking soda. It’s supposed to help with the acids in your mouth that can eat away your enamel. Besides that, I was using q-tips at times to “polish” and clean my teeth. It would help me avoid touching too much of my mouth. Also, you can try to ask your dentist for this mouth rinse called CariFree. It’s a cavity preventing rinse. It helped me a lot.
Bella, it was suggested to me by the neurologist. To try and get down to 400 mg. I hate taking all these meds. The ear pain is spiking, but before this happened to me all I took were my bioidenticals. It’s scary, but I have to at least try.
Hi there, like many here i know how twisted these shocks can feel, however I've managed to cut my morphine to a third and started to lower my tegretol levels, my teeth very rarely shock me any more, i have done this by using phoenix tears (CANNABIS oil) every day, you don't have to believe me all you need do is use the Google to look it up try RSO Rick Simpson oil, phoenix tears or simply cannabinoids v neuro pain (new german study), it's all there free for all of us and i promise RSO works for me! best of luck for a pain free future bud.