Bloodpressure and headache

Is there anyone else here who gets very high bloodpressure during TN-attack´s?

Mine gets so high and go back to normal when I´m not having pain. This high bloodpressure gives me
a horrible headache and I´m wondering over a connection beetween this things and haven´t really heard any discussion about this here.

Dear Anna,

I truly sympathise for that kind of pain and pressure that you’re going through! Sorry to hear it though!

Now what I know is only rumoured stories about some links between migraines genetically and trigeminal neuralgia. What I believe to be true is that the areas that cause migraine are predominantly the trigeminal nerve, so if you are unfortunate like myself and some others in our community here - to suffer BOTH migraines and TN, then the migraine part of your illnesses may be increasing the blood pressure… Do you have a home blood pressure monitor?

Have your doctors organised a CT or MRI for you yet? I have mostly found on some of my worst pain events, that my blood pressure stays virtually normal these days, yet it used to increase dramatically with early events, enough that emergency crews would place me on a heart monitor and ecg machine :slight_smile:

These days, the pain is awful though expected to be there and to be unpredictable and my brain on high doses of meds, stays much calmer now. The extreme levels of pain we must deal with do always create a high or even maximum stress environment, and that stress will always raise our blood pressure. I go through a routine when the pain starts now and minimise noise and trigger environments immediately, by maintaining my routine the blood pressure doesn’t raise “as much” and this is beneficial in more than just the normal stuff - by keeping as calm as possible during these attacks, WILL ALWAYS reduce the pain! Higher the blood pressure = more pain.

I hope this helps in some way Anna and I am wishing you a pain free day now, my pain is just starting, at least today it gave me some warning…


Kerry xx
PS: Please do ask your doctor about the raising of your blood pressure during pain events?

dear Anna,

Emergency Room visits and Ambulance rides, usually called by friends when I have TN-attacks; my blood pressure (BP) hits 210/110 and they try to treat me for a heart-attack…

My (BP) while resting is 128/68.

The connection with me is the PAIN of the TN-attacks.

I carry ALL of my medical information (list of medications, reactions, diagnosis, etc.) at ALL times.

I relate intensely with your Discussion and I thank you, bob

I have had high BP every time I have a bad flare. The worse the pain the higher the BP. Last week I was 237/137. Lowest I have een able to get it since wis 185/100. Many times higher, espically in the evening when I am tired and in excruciating pain. I am on 5 different class of meds for BP plus pain meds.
Will be seeing doc on Thur. I cannot go on like this. Feels like my head is going to blow off.
Thanks for listening and good luck.
Would love to talk to you Bob. I am fairly new and not quite sure how this site works. Just having someone to vent to helps. But, who do ya vent to at 2 or 3 A.M.? LOL

Dear Anne,
Reading your post just made me want to reach out to you. I understand ALL of how you feel. I also have a disk problem in my neck, which can really flare and add to the TN pain. I absolutely cannot wear eyeglasses without lidocaine at the bridge of my nose, and even then I can only bear it for a short while. My vision is VERY poor without correction, and I can only tolerate contact lenses for 8 or so hours of the 13 or 14 that I am awake. It is very frustating when the only people that understand are the doctors. Members of my family certainly don’t understand. My husband, however, is my rock, and keeps me sane with all of this.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that there is a direct correlation of blood pressure to pain. The body just responds that way, in everybody. It is dangerous, and I also wish that there was something to do about it. Since I am on many narcotics, it has lowered my blood pressure, and I was able to stop taking blood pressurre medication. But it still gets high when my pain flares. I wish I had an answer, other than …take your pain seriously, get to a comfortable place, lie down, and don’t press through the pain becuase you think that you can. Your body needs to rest when it hurts.
Hugs, and I wish you better days. I am glad that you have a friend with TN in Sweden, because it must be easier to speak in your own language than to speak Enlish with us. You do a great job of it though :o) But I am so sorry that either of you must suffer with it.

Yes, the only time my blood pressure raises is during the pain. When I get to the Emergency department, and they see how high my BP and heart rate are, tyhey work very fast to get the pain controlled, because my heart has stopped more than once due to the high BP and heart rate.

I was just in the ER and my blood pressure was 199/98 when I was in my worst pain after 2 doeses of pain med in my IV it went down to 181/78. My normal is about 126/78. I was just diagnosed with Tn on March 24th by my family doctor and the ER also believes I have TN. I see a neuroligist in about 1 week.

Anna My Neuro is treating me for high blood presure he seem’s to think it’s due to chronic pain. My medical doc said he will keep a close eye on it. I would think he would the one to treat it my medical doc say’s he will keep a eye on it. I need to get me a blood presure cuff and keep track also. Im taking med’s for high blood presure and migraines.May be this is why I feel so exsausted all the time . Hope you feel better soon and you can get your blood presure under control with med’s. Prayer’s Sent in hope’s you feel better soon. Shirely (Headach are horrible feel’s like I have so many)