Big News: Our Friend Alex Bain is Sponsoring LTN for 3 Months!

Ben and I have exciting news! Our friend Alex Bain ( has been touched by the love and support on Living With Trigeminal Neuralgia and asked us if he could sponsor the network. Alex has contributed $100 which will cover our costs for 3 months.

For those that don't know, Ben and I along with a few other friends have replicated Living With TN for other conditions. We're up to 15 networks now! You can read more about our efforts at The networks are financed soley by Ben and me and once we got to 15 networks, we reached our financial capabilities. Alex's contribution will allow us to start network #16! Any ideas which condition we should start one for?

Some tidbits about Alex: He's a friend of mine for 10 years, has a baby boy on the way, is married to a doctor, works at Apple Computer, lives in San Francisco and has an adventurous cat named Furio who also writes a blog (

When I asked Alex what we could do for him in exchange for his contribution he asked two things: 1) He wants to hear as many members' stories as possible, and 2) He still doesn't have a middle name for his baby boy due in late August. He's hoping someone on the network can come up with the perfect middle name!

Please post your story and thanks on Alex's profile or through email. And if you have a good middle name, we'd all love to hear it!

Thanks Alex! And thanks to everyone who visits the network and provides love and support to others. Living With TN is truly a little Internet miracle. Together we can create many more miracles like this for people with other conditions.

Scott & Ben

Thanks so much Scott and Ben.
And thank-you Alex.
I have been so very touched by the stories here. I have made many friends and my prayer list grows longer every day.
What will be his son’s first name?

You need to suggest a name! he’s looking for ideas. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your solidarity. I start striking back my TN and already has some relief thank to you wonderfull spirit of family.

Hydrocephalus…I have baby cousin who was born with this and there is not a whole lot of support out there.