Bens Friends is on the Move

You may be noticing a few new "old" threads and discussions, some new Titles for categories. Ning who who we have used as a provider for many years is no longer supporting their format and consequently our Sites, so by necessity we are moving to a new format. As it sits now if we can't fix what goes wrong (and anybody who has experienced several periods of 500 errors knows they are going wrong more often) Ning will not fix it on their end. Frankly Rose and I are running out of "work-arounds" We had one major community not long ago go down for a week. That is unacceptable. It hasn't stopped Mode Media (ning) from billing is every month though..

In preparation of that move we are changing and moving some things around so they don't get lost on moving day. Seenie and Jules will be explaining more about that move as we get closer. Its been seamless in the communities that have been migrated.

When this community moves however, things will be a tad bit different. LWTN will be joining with GPN as a part of a larger "facial Pain" community. WE WILL maintain the separate identity of these two main diseases. I/we know they are not "the same" BUT keep in mind that with over 117 different known facial neuralgias not counting overlaps, there is simply far too many folks who do not have a support network. The original DNS (web address) will continue to exist as will many of the discussion catgegories. What can't move are blogs (well mostly I'm working on that) and for now our sub groups. Everything else will and most likely will be right where it was before. The OP may change as we repost some things (like Reds articles) but the original posters name will be there (somewhere)

While the "specifics" of our disease may different, Living day to day with "facial pain" (is there a more trite term for what we experience?) is something we all cope with. Families who don't get it Docs who don't seem to care, frustration, confusion... All those things we do have in common and frankly broader discussion will help all..............

Please don't hesitate to post your questions. I sometime leave things out.

Thanks, TJ