A word from TJ in mod support

Hi all. There has been a change in the last year on LWTN. Most of it has been good, but some of it has not. Up until a year ago this site pretty much was a try all the treatments and do the best you can until you have a surgical solution, and then have your MVD. That's a bit of an overstatement, but not an unfair observation. TN is a horrible condition, of that there is no doubt. But TN is not disease it is in simple terms the description of the results of an underlying condition with multiple causes. So thoughts theories experiences and YES opinions that were once "forbidden territory" on this site have been allowed in. But it has gotten a bit out of hand, especially with a few posters. What has been forgotten is that this is FIRST a place to share ones own experiences with others that are experiencing the same in in do doing so provide support.

So first a bit about me. I have been diagnosed - twice with TN. Mine is under control (today anyway Knock on wood) MVD was recommended, I refused. The reason I refused is that all though trained in the procedure, I had added it (type 1) to my personal list of "neurological conditions" that just don't always make sense. Chiari, and Eagle also on that list. Why, I kept asking myself, are more people with an elongated styloid process (Eagle) Brain tissue herniated into the spinal canal (Chiari), blood vessels resting on the Trigeminal Nerve (Type1 TN) totally symptom free than symptomatic?? Then I asked myself why don't simple straight forward surgical procedure always work. Why are some patients helped but rarely if ever long term (seven years or more) Why do others get worse, and still others not helped at all?

Those are the kinds of questions (and the fact I lost use of my left arm/hand) that moved me into research and later teaching) While myself I couldn't bring myself to do those procedures and have testified at a number of hearings civil, professional licensing, and even criminal against "surgeons" who did these procedures too often and with poor patient selection, there are thousands of patients who have been helped by them. There are also a number of docs adept at doing those procedures as well as knowing when to apply them. (Far fewer than there should be)

Face it even a few years of relief from TN pain is often "worth it" what ever the procedure. I would NEVER and I know what I am talking about, would ever question a patients choice of treatment the way it has been here of late. (my rather brusque communication style may make it seem thatway) I would want to make sure they are educated choices. But the choice is theirs and needs supported No one needs beat over the head by someones personal theory (even if based on a narrow professional experience) Several posters have been contacted by the mod team and asked to "cool it" I hope they do. Despite it all they do bring some good stuff.

I got answers for my TN, BTW and I am very glad I didn't have the surgery even though it was "type1" The real cause in my case was inflammation from an autoimmune "arthritis" It wasn't until the third MRI and my demand they pull the STIR sequences, that they saw it. (Blood work was negative of inflammatory process) Good inflammation control - no TN. (that and the same meds most of you use or have tried)

Right now there are several pushing for petitions etc for opiates. That's been allowed (though discouraged) Because of the dissociative effect of opiates, they ALWAYS make chronic pain either worse or increasingly difficult to treat. None the less, there are those few for whom nothing else works, that have some measure of a life because of them. There is no reason to "debate th issue" Nobody else's shoes really fit us after they have been worn a while

Discussion is fine on a support site, even disagreement BUT say it once and stop. We provided a spot in the "backroom" for those who insist on debating. Take it there OR if you insist on bringing it to the main pages, a single keystoke will have you taking it elsewhere. At the very least when discussing these topic PLEASE don't make it specific to a particular member or patient. You simply don't have enough knowledge about anyones specifics to be "prescribing" That being said this is not the worst I have seen it. We had a site where they were reading each others studies and posting their MRI's for discussion and the mods (former mods) were actually directing "staffings"

Stating an opinion ONCE on an internet forum (or in life) instead of coming back over and over in a single thread as opposed constantly defining and reinforcing and trying to drive it home is simple good manners. MOST people don't need told. They realize that carrying on a debate with in a thread (especially when its not with the OP) and thus hijacking the thread is the height of poor manners. Everybody gets caught up occasionally. Those who do it regularly are considered Trolls no matter what their stated purpose. Nobody wants to read it especially the OP. Sadly we don't have an ignore option on this format so we can opt of of seeing posts from individuals who we don't want to see them from. We do on the new format. In fact members can flag a post they don't like and when it receives 4 flags its automatically hidden until mod review.

I know I have said this before, but very soon This community will be joined with our other facial pain community (watch for the announcements) One of the main reasons is to increase the sharing of experiences for all. The surgery/no surgery debate should be the least of discussions. How to live with this dang thing should be............. Their should be "life" beween DX and treatment.


An interesting post TJ,

Might, with all due respect you make the 'other' causes of 'TN' more visible on this forum, a new member is posting for help, and is unlikely to be searching the forum subheadings but waiting for a response from members. You connected your arthritis inflammation to your TN, where on this forum would a poster find this info in short, no where.

Whilst I find your sensitivities towards posters admiral, and indeed important, they are losing part of the picture with 'hand holding'. I realise individuals are vulnerable, but not to have the possibilities pointed out, I feel negligent, hence my often unwarranted input. When stated, maybe not always, it has been an opinion worth considering, often previously uncommunicated by anyone to the poster, including by their neuro/ surgeon.

I remember you stating that as an opinion I, with my attitude was only covering 5% of patients. I chose in brevity not to mention all the illnesses that are pertinent not to encompass. In fact your input since, has added input to my resolve, like I said how many folk reading this site would believe 'arthritis', autoimmune disease, of which many folk with TN who initially post are going to be already suffering from, don't even consider this as an invitation to the party.

In a nutshell, you can blame the responding posters, myself included, but 'say it once', where is this openly available to new posters? when they are unlikely, initially to search the forum, when they want immediate answers. Who gets the blame, ' the messenger', corrupted it could make for a decent song title.

Where in short does this site mention your cause of TN, and the fault would lie where?

A patients choice of treatment should be questioned, when the full facts/ arsenal are not presented to them, which is rare.

Should I for one be apologising? maybe in my insensitive approach, for which I offer my apologies to anyone on the receiving end, but it has never been short of meaning.

This post I consider premature bearing my inbox.

We are here for hand holding moth. Infact that is the only reason we exist. There is also a basic rule that we only allow adults. You see, we expect adults to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions. There is a certain amount of education that happens here. The fact is anyone who would take a stranger on the Internet's word for anything over and and known experts is complete and utter fool. An agenda focusing on diagnosis or treatment isn't worth a popcorn fart here. Selling it makes worth even less. Don't confuse evangelism with support.

"The surgery/no surgery debate should be the least of discussions. How to live with this dang thing should be............. Their should be "life" beween DX and treatment."

And would not mention of neck related causes, especially if not previously mentioned by a patients physician, in an appropriate setting such as a forum, when there is published evidence, be helpful between diagnosis by medics and treatment, be of help to some, in order to live with this? What appropriate form do you propose, to live with this dang thing, solely hand holding and discussion of meds? TJ you state yourself are an exception, my input might well help high light others.

'An agenda focusing on diagnosis or treatment isn't worth a popcorn fart here', put that as a survey to patients who are suffering with no answers, you'll have a cow herds worth of useful gas and then some.

Anyone needing a potential distraction, between diagnosis and treatment, may I suggest Netflix, Peaky Blinders, excellent.

That sort of shows the thing our members have been comp!aiming about. Even well treated disease flairs. I'm no exception. It's just that facial pain is a bit down on my list. The cancer is more concerning, as is the heart failure from the most recent carcinoid flare. It delayed a nerve transposition surgery to eliminate the constant burning and twitching in my left arm.

Your statement is the kind of insensitive and insulting behavior that members talk about more frequently than anything else - those around them who just don't get it. You clearly don't get it......

aiculsamoth said:

Anyone needing a potential distraction, between diagnosis and treatment, may I suggest Netflix, Peaky Blinders, excellent.

For Pete's sake, Moth ... If Netflix was a good enough distraction, we'd all sign up for it immediately! Get real! I am one of those people who felt so hurt by remarks made when I was about to have Gamma Knife. At the request of my neurosurgeon, I am soon going to post my success story. Yes, AT HIS REQUEST!

ModSupport said:

We are here for hand holding moth. Infact that is the only reason we exist. There is also a basic rule that we only allow adults. You see, we expect adults to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions. There is a certain amount of education that happens here. The fact is anyone who would take a stranger on the Internet's word for anything over and and known experts is complete and utter fool. An agenda focusing on diagnosis or treatment isn't worth a popcorn fart here. Selling it makes worth even less. Don't confuse evangelism with support.

Please do and soon. We are all curious. I'll read it as soon as I finish binge watching Season 3 of last man standing.

CindyLou said:

For Pete's sake, Moth ... If Netflix was a good enough distraction, we'd all sign up for it immediately! Get real! I am one of those people who felt so hurt by remarks made when I was about to have Gamma Knife. At the request of my neurosurgeon, I am soon going to post my success story. Yes, AT HIS REQUEST!

ModSupport said:

We are here for hand holding moth. Infact that is the only reason we exist. There is also a basic rule that we only allow adults. You see, we expect adults to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions. There is a certain amount of education that happens here. The fact is anyone who would take a stranger on the Internet's word for anything over and and known experts is complete and utter fool. An agenda focusing on diagnosis or treatment isn't worth a popcorn fart here. Selling it makes worth even less. Don't confuse evangelism with support.

I'm too tired right now! In the meantime, hope your binge-watching distracts you from any current distresses you might be having ...

ModSupport said:

Please do and soon. We are all curious. I'll read it as soon as I finish binge watching Season 3 of last man standing.

CindyLou said:

For Pete's sake, Moth ... If Netflix was a good enough distraction, we'd all sign up for it immediately! Get real! I am one of those people who felt so hurt by remarks made when I was about to have Gamma Knife. At the request of my neurosurgeon, I am soon going to post my success story. Yes, AT HIS REQUEST!

ModSupport said:

We are here for hand holding moth. Infact that is the only reason we exist. There is also a basic rule that we only allow adults. You see, we expect adults to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions. There is a certain amount of education that happens here. The fact is anyone who would take a stranger on the Internet's word for anything over and and known experts is complete and utter fool. An agenda focusing on diagnosis or treatment isn't worth a popcorn fart here. Selling it makes worth even less. Don't confuse evangelism with support.

CindyLou, it is wonderful to hear that you are doing well. Congrats! :-)