Good day everyone.
I am not having a great day with my TN. Earlier just talking to my friend (our boys were playing together) I started crying. She was confused, so I explained everything.
So, tonight I have begun my own research. I have a science degree with a minor in prenursing. I am going to back to school in 2014 (when my youngest turns 3) to work on my masters in microbiology. I plan to work on this as much as I possibly can. I already have four pages of information (including information from my medical books).
I know TN is a very rare condition (albiet it seems it is being diagnosed more, anyone want to take a gander as to why?). We do not have a lot of money going into research for our condition. As I have seen more anticonvulsants are being tested on effectiveness as treatment.
But, I am tired. I have had this disorder for four years, but it's the worst it's ever been. I feel no one can help me or wants to help. Doing research gives me hope that maybe I can figure something out. SOMETHING!
My heart breaks how I've been treated by my neurologist. I cant take it. It is not normal or natural to leave anyone in pain. If he said monkey poo would relieve my TN pain I'd have poo face. Maybe I should take the 5-6 drugs he wants me to and miss out on my kids life. Ive tried EVERY drug thrown at me and some help.. others didnt. I am at a breaking point.
I just want to fight this and I want to win. Winning isnt a cure, there isnt one - I just want to be able to eat like normal again, laugh with my kids, brush my teeth, TALK, enjoy a good breeze.
My heart goes to you ALL. I have never experienced such pain in my life. I hate to complain (my last three posts were venting pretty much) because its not in my nature. I just want to help you ALL. I know how this condition affects you and it breaks my heart sometimes.
I know some people have had successful medical treatment (pharmacology) for TN symptoms and I think that is AWESOME. Others have had successful surgical treatments albiet "maybe" temporary. Others have tried homeopathic measures and have results. What about the rest?
We are not alone! YOU are not alone.