Be Good

LOL My straight forward personality seems to transcend polite society.

After spending years listening to patients whine about their life with no real effort to change, I have become somewhat blunt. That scares the hell out of some people...(Maybe I'm in the wrong business) ! I find it amusing that I come with a warning label now. I am often told to behave, be good or keep quiet. LOL I am 43 years old and my family feels the need to preface any introduction to me with some thing akin to, "She calls it like she sees it, don't be afraid. She won't bite."

My role models are strong women who throughout history have spoke their mind. Mae West was one of my favorites...Kathrine Hepburn, Maya Angelou, you get the picture. I have never been one to cower. I suppose Psychology was a bad choice for me. I am too much of a realist to let someone lie to themselves while paying me to agree with them.

So now, I find it amusing that I will be the "crazy" one at the holiday dinner calling my loved ones out on their crap. I don't even keep my tongue when it comes to strangers...Dating was a joy. LOL It took a special man to figure out I mean well. Not that I am mean, just that I am honest.

In the month that I have been here, I have been called to the principles office a few times and have been asked to tone me down. LOL (I was such a sweet child, what happened?) It's ok. I have toned me down. I'm a grown up, I can play nice in the sandbox. But don't think that will keep me from blogging about TN and how it has effected my life. I won't bring up ALL the effects though I think this site needs to provide a place for women to discuss TN and how it effects ALL of our body. (Just a suggestion...but we see how well my suggestion of spell check went over...LOL)

So in summation; I will behave. I will be vocal but I will do so in a respectful way. I respect this is a family site with religious tones. (BTW; Jewish, open-minded type here. I don't expect a Hanukkah Tree though.LOL)

Oh and did I mention sarcastic. But in a good way.