Bad day

I've been dealing well for a while with chiropractic care, yoga/meditation, an anti-inflammatory diet, heating pads and trying to keep stress minimal. Chiro was really helping, in particular, and I was showing a lot of progress. Lately though, it's been getting worse. All the stress of the holidays and missed chiro appointments, I guess. Plus I've gotten sick a few times, which seems to inflame things, especially if it's a viral infection.

Yesterday I had a nasty stomach flu, and today has been terrible for pain. It just won't stop. May face is even swollen on the one side, which happens sometimes for me. Dug out the Vicodin, which I pretty much never take, but it's not helping. I couldn't even work today, despite deadlines. At least I managed to get dinner made for the kids. Letting them zone to tv and computer games now. That makes me feel like a completely useless parent.

Just hoping tomorrow is better, but it's really hard when you're in the middle of all the pain.

Im sorry Sandy you were having a bad day. It brings tears to my eyes cause Im with you on how you feel. I see we are not alone. It is horrible to feel this way. The pain on top of trying to take care of the house and the kids who we love so much. I feel like a useless parent alot of the times. PPl that dont go through it dont understand. Its because were used to doing so much more and now we cant. Just know that I know you're not a useless parent. I know I dont know you but I do know you cause we share this illness. Accomplishing dinner is alot when you have the pain we have. I hope this brings you're spirits up. I know it wont take the pain away but Im here if you need to talk. :)