B 12 shots

I was told being B 12 deficient can effect your TN. My dr now has me on weekly shots. Anyone else on shots and do you really feel better with them??

That is very interesting I will ask my doctor about it. Does your insurance cover the shots?

I am also B12 deficient and I was on injections every 4weeks I noticed that when I was behind on my injection the TN pain was worse. I brought it up to my neurologist and he increased the injections to every 2 weeks. It definitely has helped. He said that there is a relation between B12 and TN pain. I’m on disability and it’s covered by Medicare and Medicaid. The B12 without coverage is only about $15 for a 30ml vial and the syringes are only about 35 cents each. My dosage is 1ml every 2 weeks so 30ml will last me a while. By the way my boyfriend has some medical training so he gives me the injections at home.

It is in the book Striking Back by Dr Ken Casey…many treatment helpers to read about…it’s our bible here

even if cant help the pain…b12 helps nerve health period…I use it for energy every day…sublingual cherry tabs put under tongue …Walgreen. Walmart. Affordable…counteracts tiredness from meds…no side effects and you can’t take too much of it!

Oh yes you can take too much of B12! I got over the top with 5000/day last winter in an effort to feel something other than like I just dove into a nest of jellyfish. My blood B12 went through the roof. I laid off for awhile and then came back to the sensible dose of 1000/ day.

Ohhh I’ve taken lots… i probably dont want to remember how much in college to stay awake in 2009

did some on the spot research…

seems b12 toxicity is kind of rare…has few warnings about anxiety and blood pressure…

.everyone is different…and everyone should ask dr. Or pharmacist me thinks!

TN is rare too-:slight_smile:

I’m all for B12 and B6 as 5P5…
When in doubt, it’s a good idea to have blood levels checked, that’s how I found out I was over- doing it!

Oh thanks for reminding me about this, I have some in the cupboard and forgot about it!

Yesterday I had the unexpected pleasure to spend the evening with a doctor who is an authority in Vitamin D. He suggested I take 10,000 IU.

And KC, I also asked him about themB12 and he said like you, take as much as you like!
So I am going to bring this up with the doc who told me I was taking too much. So sorry for my contradiction-:slight_smile: I stand corrected.

Just my two cents....

Before i knew what Tn was..a little old lady at my work suggested taking B12 at home and that it might help me. I blew her off, but later, after thinking about it, i tried it anyway. Couldn't hurt right? But i didn't notice anything..so forgot about it.

Recently, my new doctor checked my B12 level (first doctor to ever to it for me...) and she was ..not worried, but..i guess, concerned that it was really low and she suggested (insisted? lol) that i get and take some B12 pills everyday until our next visit when she's going to check it again. She was saying that if the pills don't get the level high enough ..something about it being hard to absorb.. that we will need to consider injections.

I don't know anything about it one way or the other...i've followed her advice and am taking a pill every morning with the handful of other drugs, but i'm not really notice anything one way or the other. But, as long as its not causing me pain, i'll keep taking it til my next dr appt.

So..in regards to the question...i have, indeed, heard B12 being linked to TN, and as Dancer said, overall nerve system health.

Hope it helps for you!


I take B12 1500 mcg. It’s by Natures Bounty and is time release.
I was told by my pharmacist you need to take over 1000 mcg for it to actually absorb into your body, anything less does nothing.
Important to take it a few hours before or after any other meds.
Apparently it helps the body to metabolize carbs,fats and proteins and helps form red blood cells.


Glad to hear about the B12 dosage as I have only been taking 1000/day. Also is taking the pills not as effective as shots?

My acupuncturist recommended B12 as well. She told me about the shots or sublingual liquid B-12 5000mg. I put a dropper full under my tongue and hold it there for 30 sec before swallowing. I have no idea if it helps but I'm willing to try everything. I researched whether you can have too much B-12. What I found was that you can't. Although too much B-6 is very harmful. It's confirms it for me Mimi that you asks your pharmacist. When I find where I can get the shot I may do that. I hear that it's $15 a shot here as well.

Just found out yesterday I am deficient in b12 so am going to start a series of shots and then continue on with oral tablets. I’ve take a B supplement for years, I guess it has not been enough. Keeping my fingers crossed it helps.

Thanks everyone for posting here, this had been very helpful for me.

Hugs trish

On my ASK list today for my MD. There is more data here http://www.fpa-support.org/2011/01/neuropatahic-facial-pain-vitamin-b-12-myelin/

At this point, I'm willing to add in anything after the past two weeks!