Dear Natasha:
I have had TN for 9 years. I still have not had any of the surgeries they recommend, but have been on Tegretol and am still on it. I try to lower the dosage during the year as much as possible,but have seen it flairs up more in the fall.
B12 shots helped me for about 1 1/2 years and then they stopped helping me. I took 2 a week, for that period of time. I noticed that some medicine and chemicals taken by prescription, seemed to stop the B12 from helping, so be alert to this.
Doctors I found, are not keen on B12. They want to see a shortage of B12 in your system and they don't understand that B12 shortages are not the cause of TN but can reduce or eliminate the shocks. I have not found a doctor who understands this yet.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic care has helped me lower my TN shocks and symptoms for 2 years; but guess what? yes certain chemicals and drugs can seem to interact and stop this from working effectively too. Why? Because certain drugs and chemicals can cause the atlas bone to move out of alignment, and when the atlas bone in your head/neck is not straight, it presses on other nerves and the TN nerve.
I have also experienced that drugs and chemicals can reduce the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies that help for a short time as well.
My answer to you is try some of this; be aware of things that work and when they stop working. I found a certain high blood pressure med seemed to increase my TN. Crazy? Yes, but my new doctor is very supporting about this. And there are many blood pressure meds out there, so I do not have to rely on one which increases my shocks.
hope this helps. I am thinking of Gamma Knife now and researching it. I have heard it can remove symptoms for up to 3-5 years, so maybe worth a try. I don't know.
Also, I have been on low doses of Tegretol for 2 years. Before I found the chiropractor, I was on 1600 mg of Tegretol and shocks were about 12 a day. IT went down to half that dose, for about a year with the chiropractic treatment, but went up when I took an alternative remedy for arthritis. Now that that remedy is out of my system I am going to try to lower the Tegretol.
I keep trying. Homeopathic remedies worked for me for about 6 months. Maybe I didn't dose right, I don't know.
Chiropractic, reduces the pain for the longest time. But don't believe the claims that it reduces the pain in a few weeks. It takes about 3-6 months, and then maintenance.
I couldn't find Gabapentin helping me at all. (bummer) I have not tried Lyrica.