
I am very fond of my B-12 shots, since I need them to function. But I was wondering how many other people are interested in b12. I learned a lot about B12 years ago when I started to have neurological symptoms (not TN) and had to take it orally. For those of you that don't know. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin and helps keep our myelin in good working order. Without it we get a disease called pernicious anemia and people used to end up in wheel chairs and eventually die. Many doctors make sure their older patients take it as a supplement because lack of it can mimic dementia. It is found mostly in meat and our bodies have a harder time storing it as we get older.The cause in my case was the drug Metformin. I can no longer even store b12 in my body.

With TN the thinking but not yet proven is that taking B12 will repair the myelin around the tregeminal nerve. It is usually taken under the tongue and tastes pretty good. I had to do this for many years until even the pills wouldn't work and I had to go in for shots. It may have helped mask my TN for years or did nothing at all. I really can't say. I CAN say even after years taking b12 I still have damage to some of my myelin and have mild neuropathy in my feet. But perhaps it can help in early stages and keep TN at bay for longer.

Any thoughts on this?

I take tons of little B-12 buddies for energy

It just happens its good for my nerves!

My pharmacist and doc told me that you take as much as you like. B12 is NOT one of those vitamins that are toxic at a high level.