Has anyone had experience with Atlas manipulation? This is a relatively new form of chiropractic care that adjusts the top of the spine right under the skull. There is discussion that it could help those with TN.
Hi Maeve,
Just prior to my mvd I had a consult 2 months ago with a NUCCA certified chiropractor.
He had worked with several TN patients and felt based on his experience that it had helped minimize the pain of 70% of his patients, 30% he said saw no significant difference. This average was based on his patients.
It is gentle and should I experience high levels of pain again, I would definitely go back and try it out.
Good luck,
Absolutely ONLY NUCCA certified - says my top TN surgeon!
Hi Maeve,
I have had my atlas adjustment after early diagnosis of TN. After my 6th session, I have become pain free. My Chiropractor said to at least have a visit of once a year to make sure the alignment stays in place. Maintaining the atlas can be tricky due to varying activities and postures. Best to support it with Pilates.
I did NUCCA with a certified chiropractor. Hope this helps.
Hi yes I have Atlas adjustments and it does help me I would recommend people to try it. Have a good day