hi guys,
just like to offer my experience of obtaining chiropractic treatment. after receiving upper cervical care, i have been pain free for almost a year.
TN got to me 13 years ago. i went through gamma knife, and used tegratol as the main "cure" whenever relapses occur. Till some stage, tegratol effectiveness starting reducing, and i resorted to chinese acupuncture, which then helped for a while. All these methods did not persist as well as chiropractic treatment.
my initial foray into chiropractic stemmed from my research in atlas orthogonal adjustment. unfortunately, where i live in singapore, no chiropractor offers this treatment. i ended up with upper cervical care with Dr Theo at Light Chiropractic. What he preached was holistic healing, reducing negative energy and stress from my life. The adjustments were just part of a process to help my body heal itself. Pain is just a symptom of other problems that my body is trying to inform me about. Keeping that in mind, i focused on positive thoughts, identified sources of stress in my life and try to reduce them in every way.
1 month into my therapy, i had no pain. i didn't have to take a single pill. my memory started regaining. and till date, i still go back to get adjusted every month even though i'm pain free.
The truth is - no one can guarantee a cure for everyone who suffers from TN. The plasticity of the brain is a new concept that defies years of neuroscience, that many neurologists are subscribed to in their education. No one understands how the brain works fully....yet.
Was i scared when i first tried chiro, yes i was. but i did my homework to find the most reputable chiro i can find around me.
Can it be quackery, yes it might. but google around, and you can also find MVDs that went wrong and all sorts of misdiagnosis. Will you call that quackery too?
Chiro worked for me. i hope to pass hope to someone who might be blessed to receive the same cure like me.
They may be others who find that chiro didn't work for them. There a different disciplines and school of thoughts among chirps as well. My chiro don't even want me to take an x-ray because he thinks that x-rays harm the body.
If you can find a chiropractor that offers atlas orthogonal adjustment near you, it is one of the least invasive chiro adjustment you can find. I went for the riskier option - manual upper cervical adjustments to my C2, and it solved my problem. I had classical TN - not as a result of any accidents or trauma.
The worst pain that TN dealt to me was seeing how people around me value their opinions about my pain more than the pain that i'm going through. Family and medical practioners alike.
Don't give up on finding something that works for you. Keep an open mind - think positive.