Applying for SSDI

Hi all,

I was wondering if there are any members in here that have received disability, or in the process of it, or have been denied. I am just in the early stages of applying. I have to do a psychological exam in October and I was wondering if there is anyone out there that has been thru this. I would really appreciate any feedback that anyone has. Good or bad experiences.

Thanks Billie

Thanks Jackie,

I will look into some of the other posts. I am so new. Not quite sure what I am doing yet. I just know that this site seems like it is going to help me not only understanding ATN but it will help my major depression I am going through. Thanks again


Oh that would be GREAT…I appreciate it so much…Thank you and I will be sending you an email right now. Thanks again.

Welcome Billie!

If you go to the right of the sign in / sign out : Search - just type in the search bar "ssdi", "disabilty", or "whatever you want" - Funny, the latter does have search results:P)! bob

Thanks Bob....found some great info on here :)