Alternative medicine

I have used a Chinese Accupuncturist for several months. He applys needles to trigeminal nerve area of my face and low electric current for an hour. Has given me relief of pain and face spasms sometimez lasting few weeks. I tried another accup before him that couldnt do anything for me. Has anyone tried medical marijauma?

no it always gave me anxiety when i was younger but if helped the nerve pain id smoke it up!! lol

I have just started accupunture second session on monday hoping that helps relieve some of the paining. At this stage I wouldnt use medicinal marijuana but what ever works for you good luck

I use regular marijuana that a friend grows at home. I only smoke it when I feel tense or anxious, which I usually do when the pain from the nerve gets worse, and even then I just take a few puffs. It seems to calm down both the nerve and my psyche. I know everyone reacts differently to marijuana and its different kinds. I find that my body is more tolerant to it than to prescription medicine and at the same time it is more effective...just my experience (and I don't know what type of marijuana my friend gives me).

I decided to mention Cannabis because it is proven to alleviate nausea and pain from cancer…what is the difference? I think we should see if someone could do a study. There is so much interest in cannabis now.
I thought I would mention I have had great results with Vestibular therapy. I have been going to PT for about 2 1/2 months . It involves alot of shaking the head up and down side to side .Some nausea and dizziness. I has worked I have improved my balance but did not get rid of headaches or face pain.
I have had great relief with Accupuncture with elec stim . I use Dr Yi in Weymouth Mass. He is a traditional Chinese accup. I also bought my own TENS unit for face for when I am desperate and cant get to accupturist.
I saw in the alternative therapy section for face pain someone had used TENS for a year on her face with success. I need more info . Will research this and hopefully get more details. Medical products online is where I got my facial TENS 55$ It can be used with battery or plug in. Has a timer on it too.HAs several intensity adjustments.

Hi Janice, there is a whole thread about using MM that you may be interested in. blessings~~

Re: Alternative medicine
Does anyone know Anything about atlas upper cervical treatment??

I have been seeing a hypnotherapist for 4 months. Not just for my TN but other things too. When I went to my first appointment I was in so much pain I could barely lay still but around half an hour of leaving I was pain free for 3 whole hours. I wasn't sure if this was just psychological but I continued to go and was able to reduce my meds in half and be almost pain free 24/7. Now after Christmas expense etc I'm unable to keep my appointments at the moment and yesterday it came back worse than ever. I was never a believer in alternative medicine but I am now for sure and would urge anyone who is able to get it to go for it.