Has anyone tried alternative forms of treatment? (herbs, acupuncture etc.)

I have been looking into alternative treatments. I am only about 2 and a half months out of MVD surgery and I am having new pain, and returning pain but in a new place. Before my pain was cold related in my top right teeth and cheek. Now I have a constant burning sensation in my tongue, mouth, and lips. The pain that was in my top teeth is gone, but is now in my bottom teeth. The popping in my ears has never gone away, when I bring this to my surgeons attention I am told it takes time and it will clear up. At one point the PA even told me it was because of all the pollen that is out now. WHAT?????!!!!!

I am so disappointed, and I have written blogs before .....I just thought this would put me on the road to no pain....not more pain.

Anyway I have been looking into herbal shops in my area, and there is only one practicing acupuncture specialist so I wanted to put it out there and hope some of you wonderful people have maybe tried and would be so kind as to share with me your experience. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and reply.

There are many home use pain control devices out there to control nerve pain. It's not a cure but sure helps to reduce the pain level. I try Chinese medicine, acupuncture, cervical adjustments with no success. I'm using this home device called Pain Shield when I get flare-ups to reduce my pain level. There are many devices out there such as Alpha-Stim technology, Fisher Wallace stimulator, PEMF's, i-mrs, P-Stim, etc. You can google each and read-up on them, also You-tube has lots of info on this devices.

Compounding creams can be used locally to the area of the pain to reduce pain level but they are not very affective in my case. Most insurance pays for the creams but not for the device. Hope this helps.

Hi Betty,

I'm so sorry to read about what you're dealing with right now. I've had several reiki healing sessions in the past and have found them calming to the nerves - but the relief was temporary, for about an hour afterwards. I have type2/atypical TN. I don't have the funds to have reiki often, but I wonder sometimes if I could afford to go weekly, it might be beneficial, so maybe you could look into that as an alternative treatment. I tried acupuncture a couple times and had a hard time with the needles.... and it didn't help my TN at all .... but you need to find someone good. Not sure I did, and like the reiki, it was totally out of my budget to go frequently. I've read some people have had good results with acupuncture treatments. Take care, I hope you find relief soon.