A ride thru God's Beauty & Free Apples

So even tho my pain was pretty intense today, I decided I was going for a car ride with my husband tonight, spur of the moment, which is so not like me.

Drove thru our beautiful Island Park, went to the post office & bank drive up. Just drove around a little, and then drove out into God's Beautiful Iowa countryside to check on a friends' farm, since he's out of town. Little did I know, he has 2 apple trees, READY to be picked. Nothing more I love than baking fresh apple stuff in the fall! Although, I was a little surprised how many had fallen off the tree already. Anyway after picking 4 dozen, and my husband shimmying to the top of the tree for just the right one....back in the car, and back home we went.

You know what I realized on that car ride....I didn't think about my pain once. Believe me, the pain was there, but I was so focused on the apples, the sunset, the beautiful corn turning, the leaves becoming fall colors, etc...I didn't FOCUS on the pain! I think I need more "rides" in my life.

Plan for Friday: Crockpot Applesauce. Thank you Pinterest.

Here's to pot loads of applesauce & the beautiful state of Iowa-

Hugs & Love-
