Your mvd

Hi all. I had my mvd 1 year 2 months and 2 days ago. Today my pain has come back badly. 5:37 am and I took some pain meds, thinking ill probably be able to get to sleep.
Who has had the shortest successful mvd and the longest successful mvd? Any details would be great. Have any of you had serious breakthrough pain for a short time a year or so post mvd?
Obviously I’m worried my mvd successful is over. Why else would my pain be so bad that I sat contemplating to go to the er tonight or not?

Thankfully I have strong pain meds here from a spine injury and two spine surgeries in 2011

Perhaps my spine pain meds covered up a not so great mvd? Who knows
I’ve weaned off a big amount with a couple of months to go on oxycodone. Still on Valium, oxycontin and Cymbalta that started soon after the mvd. I had been omni Cymbalta for a couple months prior to the mvd, but the spine injury put me on the other pain meds at a very high dose until I started weaning a few months ago.

Maybe it was a wonderful mvd and didn’t last long.

Thank you very much!

Bless your heart! I haven't had my MVD yet, so I really can't give you any advice, but wanted to let you know I am praying for you and thinking of you today. That pain is so horrendous, and I know you have to be frustrated at having it return. Praying for a pain-free day!

I had 2 mvds. There was no pain after the 2nd surgery and stayed pain free for 4 and a half years. Then one day I had bit into a very sour grape and felt that old familiar twinge. It just broke my heart. Then off and on after that and back to searching for different medications trying to find the one that would work the best. I'm on 1200 mg of Tegretol and Celexa for the depression. The pain is worse now then it was before the surgery. I wish you the best.

Thank you very much. Thinking of you both.

Ohhhh man - a damn grape?

This soooo sucks

I had diagnosis 10/2010 and MVD with the best of the best on 10/2011

11 weeks later ghost twinges ---- now 5.5 months later -- pain wayyyyyy less but starting to come and go - if it was a 10 before at its worst before MVD now I can get a 1-5 - I'm about to ask here what are the top 3 reasons MVD fail.... I would do a second - but told it could take up to a year for nerve to settle? They clamped 2 on me

Kinda still in shock and denial

I hear ya! A year is not a long time- and I'm in that period. What are the top 3 reasons? A missed compression? Can the tephlon move? Let's see what the surgeons say!

I found on the Facial Pain Network - on their forum somebody just NOW having a re-occurance after 18 years post-MVD


We should all be so lucky!

Hi Sara,

I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing this pain again. My prayers are with you and hope you find a quick resolution.