A Big Thank You and Blessing to the Author of this page Lorraine Burgess [Trigeminal Neuralgia NL]
Trigeminal Neuralgia Support Newfoundland & Labrador
Every day I see new people joining support groups and coming to support and information pages. Many of you tell us how happy you are to find someone who understands what you are going through and that you are no longer alone. I also see posts asking about how to raise awareness for trigeminal neuralgia and facial pain. Some of you don’t know yet about all the dedicated people around the world who are working hard to make sure that fellow TNers, the newly diagnosed, and everyone who suffers from facial pain are not alone in their struggle.
There are some very dedicated and hard working groups and individuals who are working to let the world know about this disease Trigeminal Neuralgia and other facial pains. Here are some of these individuals and groups:
Tony Saunders aka Tnnme Trigeminal Neuralgia
TNAF [trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Fighters]
End Trigeninal Neuralgia
The Facial Pain Association
The facial pain Research Foundation
Nikki Samual
Rebecca D Thorpe
Trigeminal Neuralgia Support Newfoundland & Labrador
June Stephen and the group who have written a new book about living with Trigeminal Neuralgia. (being published soon with proceeds from sale going towards funding for a cure)
There are people who:
Create private support groups so you can have a safe and private place to share your stories and learn from each other. There are too many to list here but you will find a list of international support sites on our support page. This is the link to: A list of support groups:
Create websites and public support pages to educate, raise awareness, share the latest information about TN, information to help you cope with the pain, etc. This information is provided for all to share. Here are a few links:
Create Foundations to raise funds for research to find a cure for everyone who suffers From TN and Facial Pain.
Create surveys to gather much needed stastics on Trigeminal Neuralgia and Facial Pain. If you have not taken this survey please do so to help gather much needed stastics.
Create a petition to the World Health Organization to have TN and Facial pain added to their list of diseases, promoting better understanding and more funding for research. If you have not signed this petition, please do this at:
Create a petition to Google asking Them to create a TN doodle for their homepage in support of Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day.
Phamplets and educational material have been created and sent out to Hospitals, Doctors, Dentists and other health care profesionals around the world.
They post to Newspapers, TV programs, send emails to Governments, Health Professionals and anyone or anywhere else they can, to raise awareness with the public about TN and Facial pain. See Our TN Stories
There is an official TN awareness ribbon that brings awareness and donations to the Facial Pain Research Foundations
On October 7 2014 will be the second International Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day
There are bridges, monuments and buildings around the world lighting up teal to help raise awarenes and celebrate this day.
See List of 2014 “Light Up Teal”
Fellow TNers who write blogs, do interviews with newspapers, television programs, on you tube and other social media. By telling their personal stories, these courageous, but normally very private people, have shown the world what it is like to live with this horrific, painful, debilitating disease.
You are no longer alone. Many of these people are like yourselves, living with the pain every day or watching their loved ones suffer from the pain. Even If they are pain free now, they still share the same fear that the pain will return. They all work hard to do this but they cannot do it alone. They need each and everyone of you to do whatever you can to raise awareness of trigeminal neuralgia and facial pain. Write letters to your local newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, local polatitions and share everything you can about TN on your facebook pages to educate your family and friends about this horrific disease. Every time you tell your story about living with TN, write a letter, send an email, share a post, brings us one step closer to raising awareness of trigeminal neuralgia / facial pain and ending the pain.
What everyone wants and needs is a cure. The truth is that even with all this hard work, educating the public and each other, it will not happen unless this can translate into funding for research. There are clinical trials for new and better drugs, research into new ways to see inside the brain and new surgery’s. All this is good, but it is not research to find a cure.
The only organization, that we know about, who is doing research to find a cure is theFacial Pain Research Foundation. Finding a cure for trigeminal neuralgia, the most painful disorder known to humans, is the mission of The Facial Pain Research Foundation. Its founders aim to reach the goal within the decade of 2011-2020, while also developing therapies to permanently stop other nerve-generated facial pains and diseases. They need our help to raise the money to fund this research.
I realize that money is very limited for most TN sufferers because of the health cost and loss of income for many people but every little bit helps. We are encouraged to see posts where TN sufferers are telling their friends and family that instead of giving gifts for birthdays, weddings,Christmas, etc, they are asking for donations to be made to the foundation to help find a cure.This is where my donations go, not only for my family but for everyone who suffers from TN and Facial Pain. Finding a cure will restore pain-free life not just in this generation but for future generations, to millions of men, women and children around the world. I don’t expect everyone to do this but I would like you to consider donating a small portion of your gift giving budget in your family’s name or make it a gift to yourself. What better gift can you give yourself, or others, than the gift of hope for a cure.
If you decide to donate this is the link to the donation page. This website will also tell you where and how your money is used to fund research for a cure.
Thank you
Lorraine Burgess [Trigeminal Neuralgia NL]
Trigeminal Neuralgia Support Newfoundland & LabradorContact Info:
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ The support page is…
Lorraine Burgess facebook is My twitter is @LorraineBurge11
I can’t thank Lorraine enough for all the work and time she has put into words to make sure everyone knows we’re working together to raise awareness for Trigeminal Neuralgia and Facial Pain Disorders! Toni Saunders…aka…tnnme