June 1st, 2015 TNnME Newsletter

June 1st, 2015 Newsletter

I wanted to share updates on our 2015 Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Campaign dedicated to our children and teenagers.

The International Facebook Group known as TNnME,the Intl TN Awareness Fighters, the Global Community and the 4 to 8 million sufferers worldwide are asking for your assistance in raising awareness for Trigeminal Neuralgia and Facial Pain Disorders that are affecting our children and teenagers.

The past year we’ve collected over 16,000 signatures asking the World Health Organization (WHO) to add (TN)Trigeminal Neuralgia to their “Health Topic List”. By adding Trigeminal Neuralgia, it will expand awareness, grant access to further resources, and create opportunities for funding and research.

You can help by signing our Trigeminal Neuralgia online petition with this year goal of 20,000 by clicking on. SIGN NOW

I just wanted to add that the TNNME website has great information, resources and offers ways on how we can all be involved in TN Awareness globally as well as locally. Take the time to check it out.