(August 2014)
International Facebook Group known as TNnME (Trigeminal Neuralgia and Me), along with the 4 to 8 millions sufferers are asking for your assistance in raising awareness for Trigeminal Neuralgia a disease nick-named “The Suicide Disease”
Other than the Facial Pain Association and Private groups we have no central Organization collecting internationally data from the millions that suffer with Trigeminal Neuralgia or other Facial Pain Disorders. The past year we’ve collected over 14,000 signatures asking the World Health Organization (WHO) to add Trigeminal Neuralgia to their “Health Topic List”. By adding Trigeminal Neuralgia it will expand awareness, grant access to further resources, and create opportunities for funding and research.
This October 7th 2014 we give thanks and gratitude to the Cities and Countries that are supporting the international 2nd annual awareness day for Trigeminal Neuralgia by lighting up the color “TEAL” in support to raise awareness globally and to change the future of those who struggle with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) and Facial Pain Disorders.