When the fun turns around, and bites you

A major highlight of my year is National Train Day, which was yesterday, May, 10th. I spent four hours telling people about a vintage early era diesel locomotive that after a 26 yr restoration, was making her debut. I had a lot of fun, but was really exhausted. I woke up in the middle of the night, with my face attacking me, and today it is still at it. I have always known fatigue is a trigger, but heck it woke me up out of a sound sleep. I thought TN was not happening when you head is not moving. That is one big lie. It seems I have to take a week off, every time I do something fun, because it takes that long for my face to calm back down. Oh, well. I had fun, it was all about trains, telling myself it makes the face pain worth it.

I am fine now. It is frustrating to have to go into things knowing there will be pain at the end, but I try not to let it stop me. One nice thing about train day this year is it did not happen during a heat wave this year. Heat really sets me TN off. Next year the beauty in my profile picture will be the steam locomotive featured, and I can not wait to help show her off! :o) She is the last of her kind left in the world. Can you tell I love trains? ;o)