I really don’t like this new site. I can’t figure it out. I may have to find a new one. I can’t find anything.
How do I sign out? This is crazy. I can’t even answer someone that has contacted or send me a message. I truly don’t like this.
I just logged on for the first time in a long time. I don’t like it either Santafered1
I’m glad I’m not the only one!
I truly can’t use it. I have been a member for some time but I’m thinking of leaving the group. I just don’t understand this whole site. It was much easier before.
It is a lot different then the old site. I am just trying to get used to it as well. Don’t leave us though! There are so many great members here. If you have a specific issue or see something that you think could be changed let us Mods know. We are all trying to figure it out as well and want it to be successful.
I just hate it. Can not find anything. Can’t find my group. Seriously thinking of quitting.
I also hate the new site and almost never come on anymore. I am an Atypical TN sufferer, I wear that label because NO DOCTOR CAN TELL ME ANYTHING BETTER! But this new site makes it impossible to find any threads for ATN people. I feel like I am no longer included or welcome. Moderators, what can you do about that?
The site is absolutely horrendous now! The GPN part is lost, all my msgs and friends are lost either. Huge dislike to changes!
Hi all, we agree the site is a huge change. We had to move quickly to the new site format as the old provider was becoming unstable, and we didn’t want to risk losing all of our valuable discussions and members. But, it has been a work-in-progress, and I can tell you we are working hard to make this new format work.
Unfortunately, private messages and friends weren’t able to be saved during the transfer, but we understand that this is an important part of why you are here. We are working to bring those features back. In the meantime, I can help answer some of your questions:
I find the best way to navigate through the discussions is using the search icon in the top right corner (beside the hamburger-looking icon). Type ATN, or any topic of interest:
This should help you find some of the old posts.
If you want to be friends with someone, send them a message by clicking on their picture and hitting “Message.” That way if you want to connect with them again, you will have their message in your profile’s mailbox.
Does this help?
Meli from Mod Support
Change is never easy. We know. I’m Seenie and I work in Moderator Support as well. I’ll be honest: I hated the new format when we rolled it out. After working with it for a while, though, I realized that it functions in much the same way that our old sites did. There are many more useful features like the ability to alert people to discussions, and members being able to “freeze” a member who seems to be out of control, just to name a few. And we now have emojis!
Still, none of that’s any good if you open the home page, go YUCK and decide to go hang out on facebook instead. So can you be a bit more specific about what you hate? What, exactly, is “horrendous”?
- Is it the layout of the pages?
- Have you tried private messaging (the blue envelope)?
- Do you want more tutorials? (Have you found the two sets of instructions in the welcome section?)
- Would you like to have a thread dedicated to questions and answers about the new forum?
Tell us, please tell us, what you’d like us to do, and we will do what we can for you.
We are all disappointed that some things (like blogs and some sub-categories) had to “go” with the new software. You gain some things, you lose some things: that’s the nature of change.
And now a word about our bottom line: Ben’s Friends is a network of some thirty communities, and it all runs on a shoestring supported by donations. Yes, we wish we could have afforded a team of web designers to build us a slick platform for several hundred thousand bucks. Sadly, we don’t have that kind of cash. What we do have is a largely-volunteer team who put thousands of hours in, and have done the best that they can to build functional and stable communities. They would really appreciate your constructive suggestions for how we could make this better.
I liked the fact that previously you could read the start of a new reply on the front page, as opposed to now having to click the link and then scrolling down for the new reply. I’m guessing this isn’t now possible as a change?
A lot of people have said the same, Moth, and it’s one of the changes we’re looking into. Personally, I’d like to see that too.
Thanks for the constructive comment. Be sure to let us know if you have any others.
Hi Seenie,
I am a 4+ year member and sad to hear we lost the blogs, there were some valuable ones that helped me tremendously that might have also helped others. I haven’t been around much since the new site as like others I felt a sense of loss like all the people and comfort I knew are gone. But thanks for working hard on it. You are right this is all volunteer based and I appreciate the people who care. I was just wondering, is Red still around? I feel this website wouldn’t be what it is without him. Thanks.
Hi, Tamzee.
I know how you feel, because I feel the same on all thirty of our sites. But it’s getting better for me. Y’know, it’s kind of like having an apartment building full of people, many of whom are friends, and then getting moved to a different building overnight. You know your friends are there somewhere, but you haven’t found them, or their favourite hangouts, yet. You go to the laundry room and all the machines are new and different. The hi-tech fitness facility has equipment that is full of bells and whistles, but you can’t even find the on switch. At the end of the frustrating day, you know that it will all get more familiar with time. But that doesn’t make it any easier today.
Yes, I think Red is still in the building somewhere. Have you tried clicking on “Members” and searching for him using the search field? If I remember correctly, his avatar is a picture…he has a silver mustache, I believe.
I used to be on the old site and have been reading new posts sent to my email. My problem is I do not know how to start a discussion or ask a question. How do I learn to navigate the site? Thanks for any help you can give me. Gizmo
Hey Gizmo…
At the top of the page on the left click on “home” then on the next screen at the top right there will be an option to “create new topic”
That should get you what you need. Let me know if you have any other issues getting used to the site.
Thank you so much for your help Azurelle!