What triggers your pain?

Hello all. I was just wondering if there were certain foods, drinks etc that would trigger your TN.

I found sugar would trigger my pain, anything high in sugar content.
No other foods not even hot or cold would trigger.
Otherwise, I had talking, brushing teeth, eating, drinking, wind, motion in a car etc.


Yes, sugar or any dense sweet like honey, etc.
Also very badly anything acidic. Even had to stop eating anything out of a can because of the citric acid used for preservatives. So no citric, salad dressings, wine, a lot of fruit, tomatoes. Cooked blueberries not too bad.
No spicy food either, not even cinnamon (wah…)
No alcoholic beverages. Or carbonated ones, the bubbles turn acidic the minute they enter your mouth.

Good luck with finding your triggers. Some things are just sort of unbelievable…but it really helps to keep your triggers that you can control down to a minimum.



STRESS and eating ( yet I’m still 35lbs over weight lol)

Stress brings on the worst attacks also for myself. I find that I can't eat anything crunchy. Nuts, crackers, chips (all the good stuff) Before I had my MVD if I tried to drink even a few sips of alcohol the pain would bring me to my knees. Since my surgery, its a hit or miss if I develop pain. The pain is nothing like it was before but its pain. All the enjoyable things that give pleasure HURT lol

ouchie-booboo said:

STRESS and eating ( yet I'm still 35lbs over weight lol)

My pain is triggered by chewing so I now stick to soft or blended foods. Kissing, talking, laughing too much makes my pain kick in.
Cold and wind really annoys my face so I am spending the winter wearing a buff face ski mask thingy that someone on this site recommended. I find it good because it leaves my hands free but I do use scarves if I am going out for dinner or some occasion where a ski mask is inappropriate.lol


Those BUFF products have really been a big help to me too, Trish. I have three of the light merino wool tubes that I wear all day long, even when it is Hot. Way better and more comfortable indoors than hats. The thing I like the best is being able to subtly adjust the contact points so I’m always putting pressure on slightly different areas of my head and forehead and ear. They are also quite stylish. I am going to stock up for winter.

As well as cold, wind, breeze, loud sounds, etc. bright light is a trigger too. The past three summers I’ve had to be in the house by 10:00 am and really can’t be out much until after the sun goes down. It’s a vampire’s life!

Nuts actually grind up fairly nice and fluffy in a coffee grinder, makes a good topping for other soft food. Not the same, I know, but pretty good considering…

mat said:

Stress brings on the worst attacks also for myself. I find that I can’t eat anything crunchy. Nuts, crackers, chips (all the good stuff) Before I had my MVD if I tried to drink even a few sips of alcohol the pain would bring me to my knees. Since my surgery, its a hit or miss if I develop pain. The pain is nothing like it was before but its pain. All the enjoyable things that give pleasure HURT lol

ouchie-booboo said:

STRESS and eating ( yet I’m still 35lbs over weight lol)

Triggers, the cold is biggest. A/C. wind. No ceiling fans or The fan in the car or the defrost, that’s a no-no. I’m alright with foods, but if I chew to much or on something to chewy that will cause my face to hurt. I try stay away from ice cream. Also, contact on the left side of my face. That’s off limits. Kissing is limited. I apply makeup quickly or not at all. I don’t go into cold environments such as the frozen food section at the store or really cold shopping centers or restaurants. I will move or leave if its to cold or breezy in a place. I usually have my hand on my face durning the winter. Oh! Can’t forget, menstrual cycle, before, during or after, my face will explode in pain. Weather changes too. 95% of the time my face hurts. Ms.E

Ahhhhhh yes the frozen and refridgerated isles… Every other week.

Stress sets my pain off the charts and eating (chewing) is a big one but other things that I avoid are touching my face(which means no make up 99% of the time), wind (including ceiling fans and open car windows) drinking things that are cold. I can tolerate kissing sometimes,

Bellalarke, so glad that you mentioned wearing the buff thingy during the summer. For some reason it hadn’t occurred to me to use them all year round, I’ve got two and keep one in my handbag and one in the car at all times.
Sending you a big hug

Bellalarke said:
Those BUFF products have really been a big help to me too, Trish. I have three of the light merino wool tubes that I wear all day long, even when it is Hot. Way better and more comfortable indoors than hats. The thing I like the best is being able to subtly adjust the contact points so I'm always putting pressure on slightly different areas of my head and forehead and ear. They are also quite stylish. I am going to stock up for winter.

As well as cold, wind, breeze, loud sounds, etc. bright light is a trigger too. The past three summers I've had to be in the house by 10:00 am and really can't be out much until after the sun goes down. It's a vampire's life!

Cold, Wind, chewing too fast, stress, rubbing my face or resting my head in my hands by touching may face.

Also very surprising to me, doing nothing. When I think I will have a day resting and lying on the sofa my pain gets much worse whereas when I keep myself occupied and go to work or do housework it get's better...


Ceiling fan, air vent in the car, cold in general and weather. I wad fine when I woke up this morning now i’m in alot of pain and it’s hard for me to talk and forget about eating anything. Even my doggie knows that I’m not feeling too good, she’s sticking real close to me