Hi everyone and happy valentines day!
Last week I had the tremers, the worst day I was unable to hold the phone for long or drink my coffee . . . didn't even bother with the eye liner or lip liner that day. This is probably not TN related but from intercrainial pressure because of the fluid in my head from a skullbase tumor crainiotomy and proton treatment.
Because of this new symptom which seems much better, they adjusted my steroid medication I had just started, now with the added pressure, anxiety, stress and unbearable burning pain I really neeeeeeeeeeeed breakthrough pain help or atleast have a way to trick the nerves in my head with an alternate sensation to confuse them for awhile. So this is the plan . . .
A lydocaine nasal spray would be ideal, or at least for a try but is not something my parmacist has heard although another member had noted getting one on this site. There is a Benzydamine mouth rinse available by perscription for mouth pain so I'm going in this afternoon to ask for this option. Being on methadone has helped me so much that i'm not willing to try anything else at this point that would require me being off the methadone. I tried too much for tooooooo long that didn't help for my type of TN. Breakthrough pain has been more of a problem lately and my eye pain and other pains have been a little worse. Usual I can handle the burning better than this but not all together, I am wiped.
Has anyone else been in this situation? I am very open to suggestions . . . my heated bean bag is still my best friend but there has to be more I can do than suffer in silence. I see the doctor at 2:00 today.