The burning was there before the tumor, now its still there . . . still so happy I made it this far

My TN (constant burning in gums, teeth, lip and randon cheek and eye pain) is most li

kely caused from the skull base chondrosarcoma (maligmant tumor) I had removed and treated. My last MRI shows no tumor regrowth so I am still in remission, one in a million, now one in two million as I still have TN.

Has anyone else had any success with methadone? After trying gabapentin, lyrica, opiates and many homopathic/accupunture remedies . . . methadone has toned down the constant burning at all. It is allot more bearable but we are still working on a livable dose. So far I am taking 5mg 3x day but do notice some change.

Thanks for your input, I appriciate your help and support.

hugs and prayers,



I have tried Methadone as well, for a brief period of time. It was VERY good for my pain. I also suffer burning, along with throbbing pressure bilaterally from ATN. I don't know. That drug spooks me due to the fact that I know that I am relatively young, as you appear to be, and I want other opoids to work. As I read, it is relatively safe for your system. However, it is strong and other meds may not work after methadone usage. So, I tapered down my dosage and quit last summer, going back to Hydrocodone for pain relief. I suffered some withdrawal symptoms, even at the same low dose you are taking. Yes, Gabapentin 1800 mg. daily doesn't seem to be doing much for me either.

I toy with the idea of just going back to Methadone sometimes myself. That's just my experience for what it's worth. Maybe nothing, but anyhoo, yes, it got me out of pain for the most part.

Good luck to you.

Hugs and prayers back at 'ya.

Stef (the newbie)

Hi Tracy,
I'm sorry you are having so much pain and that you had cancer also. I know it must be very difficult. I don't have the burning pain that people mention. I am glad you found our support group.

I have not used Methadone, though noting quite a few here have and with some measure of success.

Talk about a full plate, you are ‘one in two million’ : ) I hope you continue to beat those odds.

Oh yes, a warm Welcome to our group! bob

Yes, methadone reduces my pain, partially, but I do have concerns about having to constantly up the dosage as time goes along. I am 46, so I do have many years to go. It's a double edges sword.


Thanks Stef, Liz, Bob and Lily for your comments. the TN pain was my first symptom but the dentist and docs couldnt see anything wrong until the dreadful MRI . . . it showed large tumor busted into two cavities against my optic nerve and cardroid artery, pitiatary and well all the vital organs. I am still amazed I came out of it doing as well as I am as there are many who would not touch me and many patients don't make it at all. Now I have to adjust to the pain long term and also to the new side effects from radiation and surgery. So far the methadone is all that has helped but the increases are slow sooo slow. Its nice to know other people are just as determined to have some quality of life. My husband left too so I'm dealing with the lost of a very selfish, lazy person who has no compasion. I know it takes to but I will never know my place and need the kids to come first. We all need a positive environment. I guess I feel a little jaded since he cannot see my condition (except for the scars on my head) but I have never got the help I needed, I either have to pay for it or beg for it so it wont be so different now. Taking up space on the couch is not living or helping the family any. see jaded I am . . . anxiety meds are helping too. Wow this is all really happening to me. Thanks again for your replies. Hope your day goes well.

