What if and other stuff

I come here and read all the info. Though very helpful, its depressing. I feel empathy for those who suffer so much. I forget I am one of you. I start to feel like I shouldn't complain about my pain because some of the others here seem to suffer so much. I am lucky to have found a drug that works (even though I am maxed out of dosage).

Last night we were driving home from OKC to Wichita and crossed a low front. I could feel it as we moved into it. I started popping Carbitol like Pez. By the time we got home I was a zombie and couldn't function. This morning was comical finding my keys, purse and glasses. It was like Easter take 2.

I meet with a new surgeon on Wednesday. I am afraid to be hopeful. I keep reading about the posted horrible experiences with the MVD. Has anyone had a good experience? Am I chasing rabbits with the idea of having MVD and that it might help?

Living with the desperation that we live with, I wonder if I am rational in thinking this can be the next step for me. Am I willing to have MVD done just to have it done? What if....That is what I think we all live with.

I had the MVD with a great experience - for about six months, then the pain started again. The surgery wasn’t bad. Hair grew back and covered the incision quickly. Many people have complete success, and many have temporary relief. I had reached a point were I was maxed out on Tegretol and Neurontin, a surgery seemed the only rabbit to chase. My internal med dr. prescribed Lyrica which has kept the pain level down but not gone with few side effects. Good luck!

Tom, Thank you. I said after I had Gamma Knife and the pain came back, I was glad I did it. I think we would trade our souls for a few hours of relief. LOL.