Weight Gain Prevention?

I’m on Desipramine (like Elavil) 50 mg, and Gabapentin, which I actuallyn"take" in a compounded cream. These meds, along with acupuncture are helping. However, I am gaining about 1/2 pound per day. The weird thing is that I have lowered my overall calories, lowered my saturated fat intake, and almost eliminated my sugar intake. I’m also eating more healthy foods like vegetables and fruits. I don’t eat bread or pasta and only small portions of meat. I’m eating a lot of vegetables, some brown rice, fruit in the morning…really healthy. I can’t exercise. Anyone have any luck losing or at least maintaining weight during this nightmare from “you know where?” I don’t drink soda, diet soda or juices.

My current thought is to drink more water and completely eliminate sugar altogether. Any other ideas?

BTW, the pain has caused my blood pressure to go through the roof and I think weight gain could worsen the situation. I need help!


I would say go to the doc asap and get this checked. I have put on a few pounds, but 1/2 pound per day is excessive especially considering what your diet is like already. Sounds like something might be seriously wrong. Please go get it checked. Message me and let me know what the doctor says. Good luck!