Weight gain is possible but what about weight loss

So friends, many of you have written about having gained weight while taking meds to deal with TN pain but I am wondering if those of you who are no longer taking these meds have been able to lose the weight. I eat no more than I did before I ever started taking the meds but still the weight creeps, or actually explodes, on to me. after starting Baclofen I gained about 14 pds in two months. Inactivity can only account for so much. I am so looking forward to being off these darn meds and getting my body and life back. Please share your experiences with me. I need some encouragement.

After my MVD in 2009, it was summer, which is usually less painfull for me, I weaned down, maybe off, I can't remember, for a short time, although I was still taking narcotics post-op and I immediately started losing weight without effort. Once the pain returned , which wasn't long after and Gabapentin was re-introduced or increased, the weight came back on, and more over the years despite constantly watching what I eat. I hate my body now.

Hi Patty,
I put a lot of weight on over the last two years, lots of medication and lying around in pain.

At the moment I have the pain much better controlled so other than the odd day of misery I am finally off the lounge. For many years I have eaten a wholefood, vegetarian, gluten free diet and I see a dietitician twice a year so there really wasn’t too many changes I could make to my diet.

I do Pilates twice a week with a physiotherapist to help with back and neck issues (long story) and I have just recently started working with a personal trainer 3 times a week. It is a huge outlay of monthese hopefully it will lead to overall better health.
Now that my pain is reduced I am much more active on a day to day basis than I used to be. Even when I’m home I move around more than I previously did and I guess it all makes a difference.
I am slowly losing weight but it is going to be a long slow process.

Good luck, it is never easy.
Hugs Trish

I just posted a forum topic about this! It's called Been Gone a While. Read it and let me know what you think!

I lost weight after going off the meds the first time. Going back on them has caused me to gain again

I saw the neurologist yesterday, he said I will struggle not to gain weight so losing weight will be very hard. He did not say impossible…so I shall just keep doing the best I can.
I’m still hoping that moving more will be of some health benefit even if i can’t lost all of the weight.
Off to the dentist this morning, too scared to eat breakfast. Haha

I should mention that my eating habits have mot changes so this weight gain seems especially bizaar to me. I am less active definitely but my caloric intake does not measure up to the jiggle on my belly.