Visit to Neurosurgeon

Hi Everyone…I wish all of you a new year of resolution to this monster pain. My neurologist has set me up with an appt. with a neurosurgeonat Vanderbilt…Jan. 4th. I hope he can help me. I have terrible pain…ok if I don’t talk, touch my face, or eat. I can’t talk…the pain is unbearable. I wonder if I am a big baby…,I cry everyday and I have no life…I never even get out of my pajamas. My question is that I wonder why everyone that has this doesn’t just get the surgery?? I am terrified of it, but the meds are just not working and I am already taking the max. Oh, and on top of that, I have shingles. I am one miserable person right now…it is good I live alone…hahahaha. I just would like thoughts on why you don’t get surgery…thanks and Happy New Year to all.