TN support group

I would encourage all of you to see if there is a support group you can go to. I went to one yesterday (TN facial pain association) and the guest was Dr. Mericle. He was the Director of the Neurosurgery dept at Vanderbilt. He has recently left Vanderbilt. He said some patients came to him and wanted him to do the surgery instead of a resident. (Vanderbilt is a teaching hospital). He did that when they asked and Vanderbilt gave him too much slack. He felt that was wrong so he is starting his own practice. He has done over 600 MVD surgeries and was on the top 100 doctors in the u.s. He was funny and serious at the same time. We all sat around a table and shared our experiences and what we have done as far as different procedures and what the results were and asked him as many question as we wanted. It was wonderful. He didn’t leave until we asked him all the questions we wanted. I feel so much better now…it made a world of difference. He told me what he thought of what the other procedures were that were suggested to me. He told me what he thought from listening to me what would help and what would not and why. It was like a free Dr. appt. I will be at the next meeting for sure. There is a different Dr. every time…it was awesome. Not to mention the food they had hahahahaha…BBQ, chips, sandwiches, candy, doughnuts, cake, coffee and I am sure things I forgot. I got phone numbers of others and I just can’t tell you how great it was. If you can find such a meeting near you, please go…you have nothing to lose and I promise…a lot to gain.