Upper cervical chiropractor adjustments

Hello, new to this blog. Had TN twelve years, MRI confirmed vein wrapped around trigeminal nerve. On no medication, but pain is a beast. Has anyone had good results from NUCCA care and how long before relief was achieved.


I too am new here. I have only been suffering from TN pain for 7 months - and have not even been 'officially' diagnosed.

I'm sorry to see that no one responded to this post, as I am on the hunt for any and all natural/alternative healing methods that I can find. Did you ever try the upper cervical adjustment? What were your results? I plan on visiting my chiropractor as well as a cranial sacral therapist. I will post about my experiences.

I cannot imagine what many on this forum have gone through, suffering from this disease for so many years!!! I am already near my wit's end after these past few months... :(