Update on yesterdays MVD!

Just wanted to let every one know how I am doing and how surgery went. Dr. said every thing went great! They also found the main artery pounding against the nerve along with smaller vessels. They were able to wrap the nerve to protect it. I am still having SLIGHT TN pain in the face. It could still be from the surgery. Dr. said it could take a week or so for the nerve to heal. Having serve pain from the surgery sight to the ear (where it is full of swelling). Having to monitor blood pressure it has been running low all night. Also have put me on insulin shoot from the steroids. However, super excided no nausea!! The meds so far have been super! I will have another update in a few day and I am thankful for your prayers and support!

Thats absolutely wonderful news. Sounds like you are well on your way to recovery and a pain free life. Dont push yourself take it easy even though you may feel pretty good/ No rush let your body recover. Will keep you in our prayers

All the best of wishes as you begin your recovery, take good care of you!
(( hugs )) Mimi xx

Great to hear! XXOO

Wishing you the very best.

Lol, I just noticed I called it MBD instead of MVD! Was really out if it I guess. Still have very painful head and ear, but face is doing great!

You have to know…

It can come and go …the TN…the first year…

…it takes a YEAR for your head to be healed.

It can be so worth the wait!


great news!

Praying for you! I am one week and 3 days and my recovery is doing great. Really the first 24hrs were horrible and after better every day. I'm down to just regular strength tylenol and 1 ibuprofen with gaps in between. No more of the narcotic :). I'm just a week ahead of you so any tips/info you need, just holler.

Great news!! Happy to hear you are doing so well. I had blood pressure issues too, it was caused by the morphine. Every time I got a dose my BP dropped to 60/40, not fun, but much better when I stopped the morphine. Try to use ice for the swelling if you can, worked wonders for me! Praying God will bring you comfort and healing!

Glad to hear you are feeling so good. And thank you for posting your previous discussion. I am having my MVD on November 19th and am rather anxious. Reading all the replies has gone some way to putting my mind at ease. Take care.

Grace, I am new to this site. I have both kinds of types. What Dr. did your surgery? My face and ear pain is terrible. Our insurance changes in January and I have to have surgery somewhere because my pain will not let up. When I feel better, I will try to write you about my meds and my feelings in general. So happy to read about you, I need some kind of encouragement, please pray for me Lisa