Update from Appointment

I just wanted to tell all of you thank you for you kind words. It means so much to be able to find people who understand what you are going through. I had a really good weekend. My chiropractor did cranial work on me Friday that really helped so she is going to start doing this every week with my adjustments. When I saw my neurologist he has decided to switch some meds. I am staying on topamax due to my migraines, which are severe but I am coming off of carbatrol and tegretol. He is going to put me on lamictal. He has me taking indomethicin this weekend three times a day to try to get rid of the pain. This sometimes really helps my migraines. I stop it on Monday night. I can’t keep taking it continuously because of the risk of what it can do to your stomach and liver. After taking a dose of this and the cranial workup my pain has gone from a 7-8 done to a 1-2. I almost wanted to cry just because I felt so good for the first time in 2 and 1/2 months. Again it is so nice to find others who truly understand what you are going through, it means the world to me!!:slight_smile:

Good morning Lena, I am sure glad they are working with you and trying different meds. I really hope this helps you. I was at my wits end when I found this wesite and these people will NEVER know how much they have all helped me in many ways.