Update and input please

Hi all, it's been months now since i've come here with any sort of an update, and unfortunately there's been little to no improvement on my situation. I am not thorougly convinced that I have GN or TN yet, but perhaps I am in denial? I don't know. But, I'm hoping hoping that it's possibly TMJd ...

Let's see.... I've been doing cranio sacral massage therapy. No results. Acupuncture once a week. No results. BUT: last weekend I had the worst flare up EVER as a result of the new treatment the doctor tried on me when he did about 10 needles locally around the right (affected) side of my face and ear and jaw. I had the WORST flare up of my entire experience with this pain. I felt that my face and head were being crushed from the inside, I couldn't lay on my pillow because it hurt so excruciatingly, i was puking uncontrollably, and my husband was driving me to the ER when suddenly the pain dropped from a 10+ to a barely tolerable 7. I told him to turn around and take me back home. When he did, I was able to rest - for a while, then the migraine from hell came with more puking and extreme suffering. All Saturday and Sunday were lost in sheer pain.

I finally understood why they call it the suicide disease. I felt that I was dying, and I welcomed it.

However, I've been told that TMJd can wreak similar havoc, and that misalignment of the jaw can mimic and even instigate TN. SO, I went back to the dentist office where this all started (from an innocent filling) and had them do an Xray to see if the tooth was infected or if my jaw was out of alignment. The dentist said that my jaw is grinding, popping and that my teeth are extremely worn (my molar was chipped). I asked if they could fit me for a night guard, and maybe they were scared or something because she said 'no' they wanted to refer me to a neuro-muscular dental specialist. ??? which isn't covered under my insurance ????

For both TN and TMJd I've been reading positive results about Upper Cervical Chiropractic treatment, so that is my next step with an appointment on Monday. I have a follow up with the Neurologist later this month, too, since I've not seen her since that initial appt. I think I also should see the ENT again to check up on that sinus infection and polyps - because, shouldn't those polyps be removed? and what if that sinus infection isn't gone? I just really REALLY don't want this to be TN or GN or any kind of neuralgia. I have plans to travel to rural parts of Asia, and cannot foresee that happening with this extreme pain ruling my daily existence.

What do you think? Could this be a misdiagnosis??