So. Severe migraines are being confused with the TN, and I find it hard to tell the difference sometimes. Tuesday a big attack hit, and it's been agony. Today I find myself pushing on my cheek or neck to relieve the pressure which of course is the worst thing to do, but it's unconscious...
The local auditorium had/has a free dinner going on and they had a delivery for people who can't go out. I had one delivered and it was pretty good! Nothing crunchy which was great since the attack is so bad.
Tried sleeping on the couch on my left side to relieve some of the pressure and got about 20 minutes of sleep at a time; continuously woke up in a panicky sweat recalling the 6 months of this and feeing like I'm back in that cycle. Worried that I'm back there in a relapse that won't let up.
Since it's on both sides I have nowhere to lay comfortably. The right side is so much worse though, I don't get it. The left side is where my migraines come from even on the meds.
The right side of my face is swollen or droopy as well.
Any movement makes it throb too, so I feel trapped. With all the meds my CRS is so bad (Cant Remember Shit) and my dr is actually talking about having my tested for dementia; I think it's meds, and if they work I'll manage some other way if the pain stays at bay. With this attack and the constant migraines I still have I am wondering if the meds are really working and what else I can do.
I do know that whoever is the chain smoker in an apartment below me somewhere must have gone to family for the week, I am smoke free since Monday, and no migraines!! YAY!! Why I have to have a TN attack and not be allowed to enjoy a break from the headaches actually makes me super angry. Now I have to start to wonder what higher power is punishing me??? Got a larger lesson to teach me?? Just bored and using me for a guinea pig...? Gotta wonder after all I have been through metally and physically, and now a mini break only to have a major TN attack. Super depressed.