Trying not to give up.. Alot of pain..Trigeminal neuraglia Ketamine infusion

I have had on ketamine infusion and i didn’t know what to expect… I woke up after 7 hours nauseas sick throwing up, coulding see, couldnt walk, off balance for weeks. My equilibrium was off for about 2 weeks. I’m I’m I was under a lot of stress before this procedure and not knowing a lot about the procedure didn’t help my stress level… I’m having a second ketamine infusion for my trigeminal neuraglia issue for my damaged nerves in my mouth where I got a root canal back In march 2009 and the Nerves wasn’t killed in my mouth. Now we have had 4 surgeries and been on 22 medications and nothing has helped… So the dr feels trying up to 3 ketamine infusions where they reset the brain and c
Nerves will help the damaged nerves… Have anyone else experienced my issue???

My pain is in my right upper side of mouth. I’m missing 3 teeth due to the nerve pain. The root canal tooth also was pulled a year ago… The dr performed 4 surgeries…root canal,- removing 2 other teeth and numbing with deep medicine, Gamma knife 3 month radiation process, Phenopalatine Ganglion block, ketamine infusion brain procedure June 18 and now on august 6 we going do a second ketamine infusion because nerves in my mouth are so damaged

Felicia, I have read about people having ketamine infusions and am very interested in the subject. I do believe that a while back, someone else posted about having this done. You could type "ketamine" in the search box at the very upper right corner of this page.

I'm sorry to hear that the recovery has been so hard on you. How long ago did you have this done? Have those side effects passed yet?

And the big question, has it helped your TN or ATN pain at all?

Please feel free to share as much about the procedure as you want. I think this is something very few know about, and it has great potential to help chronic pain.

Have you spoken to your doctor about how many times he's done this, and with what side effects, and what kind of success rate? If you haven't, you should consider asking before your next treatment.

I hope it works for you, and as long as you're feeling okay, you should continue forward.

(Sorry if my post is redundant -- I was writing while you two posted.)

Crystal my first ketamine infusion was june 18 the dr stated it’s a possibility we may need to do up to 3 infusions but after the tramatic experience I had I was traumatized but after I seen how stressed I was and seen that really could have possibly had a big impact on why I had the experience I did the dr and other dr recommended me try the infusion again on august 6 a month later since I’m still having pains in my damaged nerves and seems like nothing is helping. The dr right now has mevon 22 pills and 2 outran pain patches and the pain has reduced but not alot. So I’m going try the ketamine and will keep everyone posted bc I’m anxious to see how it’s going work this time too

What is a ketamine infusion? How is it administered?



You are hooked up to this Iv and the drug runs slowly through your body for 5-8 hours and you brain is reset and shut off and this is supposed the cure your damaged nerves or heal your pain over a period of time. Based off of the dr you may have to do this procedure up to 3 times. This is my 2nd time. My first procedure was June 18 2012. My 2nd ketamine infusion is August 6 2012 at 830 am

Is working for you? Are you able to decrease or eliminate your meds? Any cognitive changes? I too have nerve damage due to a root canal as well. I am tired of being on the meds. I am looking for another solution.

Thanks, Janet M

I’m honestly so tired of being on meds too… This has been one of the biggest challegest of my life. What keeping me going is my family. I know God not going put on me no more Than I can bare. I gave been to 7 specialist. I have had 4 surgeries. I have been on 22 pills. I have came too too far to give up now. I feel I’m at the end of this pain and illness. This facial pain has got to end. Nobody knows your pain unless u go through it yourself. All the late night walks in the middle of the nights sitting on te side of bed, the morning u can’t brush without crying, the days you can’t eat or drink without crying, the days u can’t talk without your mouth not hurting, the days u can’t hold ur head a certain way, u cant lay a certain way in the bed, u can’t go outside In the sun, I could go on and on but I want… I just hope after this ketamine infusion this will cure my pain…

Have you seen any difference in your TN pain so far?

Felicia, you are very brave and wonderful to come back and tell us all about your experience. So many here are interested. I am hoping from the bottom of my heart that these infusions work for you.

Thank you Jackie for your support and encouragement. I have came too far to give up now. Thanks again

I too, hope this works for you Felicia.

wish you luck

Felicia said:

You are hooked up to this Iv and the drug runs slowly through your body for 5-8 hours and you brain is reset and shut off and this is supposed the cure your damaged nerves or heal your pain over a period of time. Based off of the dr you may have to do this procedure up to 3 times. This is my 2nd time. My first procedure was June 18 2012. My 2nd ketamine infusion is August 6 2012 at 830 am

Thank You so much I’m going be strong and keep the Faith

There was a guy on here a few months ago -- he did a 3 DAY infusion - in and out of consiousness

Then it only worked for a few months

BUT everyone is different --- maybe your doc has it right! Your procedure is VERY rare!

Where is this being done?

Let us know what happens!

I hope it works I have seen 7 specialist. I have came too far and don’t want to give up now. I’m too strong for that. Im a brave woman and I’m going keep the faith thanks for encouraging me and your support. Will keep u posted… Thanks

I too hope it works! Good luck.


Thanks so much

It's sad to hear all that you've been through, Felicia.

I hope that your recovery will come soon.
