Truly just miserable

I have been feeling lately more and more depressed.. I hurt so bad everyday!! *cries* I do not want to feel this way anymore.. I feel alone in the world.. My family is all having there on problems and I just feel as if I can't talk to anyone about this anymore. I know they are all so tired of hearing me say " omg.. my head is hurting so bad" or " I just need to lay down.. I can't do this!" I HATE THIS!! I know people out there are feeling this way too.. I just wonder if I'm being a baby. I am trying my hardest to function everyday as normal as possible.. to laugh and smile but it's all an act.. all I ever want to do is lay in bed and watch tv.. I have lost intrest in doing things I have done my whole life.. even things like taking care of my son.. omg.. it hurts so bad.. his voice just goes right through me... *cries* I love him with ALL of my heart.. he is the most important thing to me EVER! I just want someone to refer me for the surgery and get it over with!!! *sigh*

I'm sorry for posting my I just needed to get it out.. thank you for listening.. :)

Omg you are not alone ! I had a MVD in jan and the last 4 weeks I have been having the pain back
The last 2 weeks have been completely 100%Miserable I totally get how you are feeling. I feel exhausted just tring to get through every day
With a fake smile on my face. My family asked how I’m doing and I say fine but really if eel Luke crap, I wanna scream , cry anything. You are not alone at all! Do you have a doctor? I feel the only thing that us getting
Me through each day is because my doctor at lest has a plan to try and help me.
All the best and I’m here when ever you need to talk, cry vent anything

It OK. We all understand and we all have been there. It's really tough and tougher when you have a young one to tend to. No small task to deal with at all. One day at a time.. maybe check with you doctor and see if you need to change your meds. :( Hang in there. Min

I feel the same way, just had a change of meds, not working. I was praying to get back to work, not gonna happen. I dont know how many more days I can handle this. I am bored, depressed, in pain and lonely. My mother actually asked me if i could just think my way through the pain.! she doesnt even believe this exists. I am going out of my mind just laying around the house, playing on my laptop or watching tv. I feel like a waste. I just keep saying to myself, you are strong and will get through it. I have had some real crap in my life and this took the cake so to speak, but I always land on me feet. You will too!! Wendy

I feel the exact same way. Im 24 with two toddlers and everyday is a struggle,. I also get tired of saying my head hurts or how bad I feel, Its like no one believes the pain and suffering. I stay strong for myself and my children but if it were up to me I would not get out of bed most days. I hate living with an invisible disability!

I am 24 & in the same boat! & with all this i was laid off work after fighting for my medical benefits that were promised to me! now i am desperatly trying to find my own insurance out of pocket. on top of all this im stressed about how im going to pay my bills…i have unemployment but its just not enough! o do have a great nuerologist who is head of neuroscience in jefferson hospital in philly. he us ready to do my surgery as soon as i get insurance…im on effexor for depression and its supposed to help with chronic pain…im also on percocet to help with the pain… god i just want to get the surgery and have my life back! all i do is lay around bc im in so much pain or tired from the pain meds. ive had it constantly now for over a month. thank god i have this dr that will give me pain meds to get me through until i get the surgery! you are not alone and you are not wrong for feeling all the emotions you are feeling! do youhave a neurologist?

Hi, I am Marina, I am originally from Russia. I started having horrible teeth pain about a year ago, it cost me my marriage. I know how you feel, I wake up every morning with pain, I have no family here, so I have to keep my job to make living here, sometimes it is seems like impossible. So my advise to you just do not give up, it will get better, do not stop seeking help. This disease is a monster, but we are stronger, we can make through this.

We are all with you. My 13 year old daughter suffers but the pain has gone for the time being so we are truly grateful. You keep your head up and hope your surgery comes fast.

Hi. Regarding the insurance situation…I was in the same boat not being insured and no one would take me because it was a pre-existing condition. A hospital told me about PCIP (pre-existing insurance policy). I believe the website is I was able to have surgery and only paid the deductible.

Good luck.

Katie317 said:

I am 24 & in the same boat! & with all this i was laid off work after fighting for my medical benefits that were promised to me! now i am desperatly trying to find my own insurance out of pocket. on top of all this im stressed about how im going to pay my bills…i have unemployment but its just not enough! o do have a great nuerologist who is head of neuroscience in jefferson hospital in philly. he us ready to do my surgery as soon as i get insurance…im on effexor for depression and its supposed to help with chronic pain…im also on percocet to help with the pain… god i just want to get the surgery and have my life back! all i do is lay around bc im in so much pain or tired from the pain meds. ive had it constantly now for over a month. thank god i have this dr that will give me pain meds to get me through until i get the surgery! you are not alone and you are not wrong for feeling all the emotions you are feeling! do youhave a neurologist?

I am so sorry you are suffering so much. I completely understand. I have felt like giving up quite often lately, but we can't let this monster(as Marina put it) win. I have stopped telling my family(parents,extended) how I am really doing because they don't understand, they can't; they have never experienced the horrific pain we have dealt with day in and day out. I agree with Min :one day at a time. But for me, at least lately, it is one hour at a time. I also understand your concerns about your son. I struggle with guilt because of all the things my children have missed out on, mostly they have missed having me. But I have to remind myself that this is teaching them wonderful things that children from a "normal" family may not learn at their age : ex. putting others' needs before their own.

Hang in there. We are all in this together. I am so glad I found this support!!! I don't know where I would be without it!!!

I can relate to feeling this way also. I remember waking up and wishing it was time for bed again as this was the only relief I would get. I ended up going on anti-depressants and feel alot better, the pain still exists but I seem to be able to cope with it better now. You are NOT being a baby.

Wishing you pain free days.

Hey ! I was diagonesed with this on Monday with an MRI. I had only been in pain for a week before I went to my dentist.She found no tooth problems and told me to see my dr. Ok short story is I know how you are feeling exactley, BUT I have only had the pain for a much shorter time than you. Yesterday I went to an accupunter. I felt no pain after all day !! No pain all day. Today I went to a chiropractor and she adjusted my jaw, neck and head. I fell so much better..I hope you do what I did, PLEASE try this. I don't know if it is only temporary but it shure feels better than the pain.

Hi, you are definitely not alone. This is suicidal disease and it is invisible , so your family and friends may not understand your pain, but we do. It is more challenging to cope with this when you have young ones to look after. It is depressing as you feel so helpless , but hang in there! Don’t give up so easily, try everything you can and be strong. We are always here to listen.
Best wishes and blessings .( hugs)